Freaky Factory Guide by Dexanth

Hidden somewhere in the dark depths of Kreludor, there is a mysterious building owned and operated by Krelufun Industries, producing toys for neopets of all types to enjoy. Previously, they had operated in the shadows and Neopians were not aware of their existence; recently, with the unveiling of Kreludor, however, the Freaky Factory has been thrown open to the public. Indeed, many of us have ventured in to offer our talents to work within…

The executives behind this project, however, are a greedy lot and the factory has been overcome with demand for its products. In hopes of getting more profits out of their source of cheap labor, er, willing Neopians, they have asked me to share the knowledge I have recently acquired with all of you so that you may go out and be more successful in your own work in the Freak Factory.

Another Wicked Wocky Wobble Guide by Novatitan


This game is hard at first glance. But when you figure out the mechanics for the game it seems playable. Also it’s a new game to add to you list of dailies in which you can get 500+ neopoints per game in a couple seconds. Maybe more depending on how lucky you are.

How to Play

First thing is there is no time limit and no penalty for not catching items. The object of the game is to try and stack the falling objects as high as you can without dropping them. Every now and then a Warf or Drakonack comes and blocks your path. I’ve been caught in the corner from one before and I could still balance my huge stack. All they do is stop you from being able to catch some of the falling items for 5 seconds.

Cheat! Guide by Katherine S. (snowfariechic)

There are several strategies that you can use in order to win this game. I use these every time I play, and so far I have NEVER lost. Following these simple rules almost guarantees that you will get that 1st place trophy.

1) This is the most important — NEVER cheat, unless you have to. In the first 2 rounds or so you may not get caught, but in the later rounds, you will get caught most of the time.

2) Put down the cards that you only have one of first. This leaves you with more pairs, triples, and so on, which makes it easier to tell who is cheating.

DION Hott Grilled Neggs Guide by apten7a-vo

1) Burned/partially burned neggs:

Neggs that are completely burned (i.e. the grill meter reaches maximum) do not count towards the grill quota. They are automatically discarded as soon as a side is completely burned and their value is deducted from your score.

Partially burned neggs (i.e. the grill meter goes past the green line but doesn’t reach maximum) count towards the grill quota. A number of points are deducted from your score, depending on how burned they are.

2) Higher value neggs:

Higher value neggs need considerably less grilling time (some less than others). Be alert, as they’re extremely easy to get burned and, as they are highly valued, a lot more points are deducted from your score.

Mop ‘n’ Bop Guide by Nergye

Ok. Mop ‘n’ Bop is, basically, a pretty easy game. All you need is an hour or so spare, enough patience to keep going for a big score, and more practically, the ability to work out the relative speeds of the different petpets. I’ll come back to that.

The basic premise of the game is this: You are playing as the Yurble Janitor from the Altador plot-line. You are wandering round the Altador Hall Of Heroes, trying to keep the floor clean, but a load of dirty petpets are walking round in the other direction, messing it up as quickly as you can clean it. Most people would give it up as a bad job, put up a sign saying that the Hall Of Heroes is closed, and THEN clean it, but not out trusty Yurble. He’s dedicated.