Pterattack Cheats

JASON Secret
In Pterattack, start a game and press and hold J A S O N. You get a new character and weapon (Boogie Sweeper). It shoots a big blast! If you want to see what it looks like, here is a screenshot thanks to the_frozen_fly! – mewtoo13

If you cannot get this to work
Just a note, if anyone runs into trouble with working this secret, I figured out this morning its all the matter of THE KEYBOARD. I switched my keyboard to my ergonomic keyboard that I used on my other computer (cause it would let me on that) and now it is letting me on this computer! – ladysobe

Cellblock Winning Strategy by Dayna

The Grid is labeled as follows:

A 1-10
B 1-10
C 1-10
D 1-10
E 1-10
F 1-10
G 1-10
H 1-10
I 1-10
J 1-10

Imagine the letters labeling each row down the left side of the grid. The numbers label each column across the top. So the letters would be on the left side of the grid and the numbers would be across the top.

Now, keep that in mind, we can beat the game in 10 moves or less.

Scenario 1 of 2 (There are only two)

Move 1: D4
Computer 1: C3
Move 2: G5
Computer 2: G7
Move 3: F8
Computer 3: D7
Move 4: G4
Computer 4: C8
Move 5: B9
Computer 5: E7
Move 6: F7
Computer 6: F9
Move 7: F4

Adver-Video Cheats by themoondropsmanavi

Magically appearing neopoints

When you’re playing that game called Adver-video, which seems to win you a ton of neopoints in just one spin, there is something that I bet probably you didn’t know.

First of all, open Adver-Video. Watch the video , then when the video is over – don’t spin the wheel just yet. Go back to the page where you clicked on the “Click to Play”. Look at how many neopoints you have, THEN refresh the page.

Don’t you see a difference in neopoints? Yes, and yet you haven’t even spun the wheel on Adver-Video. – by themoondropsmanavi

Spy Kids Cheats

Secret Level

Okay well the first thing to do is let your character lose in the first level. No I’m not crazy. This will actually take you to a secret level. After you lose, the window that says game over will briefly say continue for about 2 seconds. Click this. It will take you to a link where you are a man running across the desert its like all the other levels, but much faster! – Pompus Van Der Lee