Carnival of Terror Tips

Point estimates

When you play Carnival of Terror, you’ll notice that there is no score counter while you play. Here is an estimate of the amount of points you may have, in a given time: – starbred

2 mins = 500 pts
2.5 mins = 600 pts
3 mins = 700-800 pts
3.5 mins = 750-850 pts
4 mins = 800-900 pts
4.5 mins = 900-1,000 pts
5 mins = 1000-1250 pts
6 mins = 1300-1400 pts
6.5 mins = 1400 – 1500 pts
7 mins = 1500-1850 pts
9 mins = 1900-2000 BE CAREFUL FOR WC!!!

NOTE: These estimates only work if you are hitting the clowns’ arm, head, legs, and then the body, respectively.

General tips

Most people worry about running out of shots, DON’T! Use as many as you need, the ammo boxes come frequently, just always click on them. You get more points by shooting each part of the clown separately. Shoot them in this order: Arm (shoulder), overalls (clothes), head, then body. If you do start running out of shots then get the clowns with one shot by clicking on the brownish line (gap) between the head and body. WATCH OUT FOR PIES! They are evil! I know my #1 cause of death. Don’t just concentrate on the clowns, be aware of everything! When you run out of time just type “custard”. But you can only use this once, so only type it when you are running out of time and see no clocks! – nicolomeeni_girl

Some Tips

1) No matter what, ALWAYS shoot the power ups.
2) If you shoot a clown arm off be sure to shoot it fast or it will explode and hurt you.
3) Don’t go in using rapid fire on every thing that moves, it just wastes shots so learning to aim comes in handy.
4) Make sure you shoot the pies they’re 5 points each.
5) Just because the arms and other parts are worth more, don’t always blow them off. My studies have showed that if you try to shoot off all of the Chia’s body parts, it wastes a lot of time not to mention you’ll get a lower score. – Jacob Ackerman

Mini Guide

This is a rather easy game if you know how to play. For the ones that can’t get a lot of neopoints out of it listen carefully. If you have read the story and looked at how they look at point you’ve probably noticed that except for the pies the arms are the most worth; 4 points.

TIP 1 – While playing the game there are always some clowns near you. Try to shoot the arms of first cause that’ll give you the most points, but becarefull cause after the arms are shot of there is a chance that the clown will overload and so explode.

TIP 2 – Try to shoot only the clowns in the middle of your screen so that there is less chance that you’ll get hit by a pie cause you have time enough to react and the pies are worth the most also; 5points.

If you follow this tips you will advance further and at the same time, gain more points! – to-big

Fast and furious

For carnival of terror what I do is try to hit every single clown that I see. try to hit them in the middle of their body cause it blows the whole thing up. If you take the pants or whatever off then it will start going back and forth try to hit it before it blows up and it will take away health. Whenever you see a pie coming at you hit it because it takes away health. Try to get EVERY SINGLE box of ammo, health and clock which gives you more time. You can’t hit the parachute you have to hit the item, and when the Chia clowns are coming down on the umbrella get the umbrella before you get the clown (it gives you more points)! – IssaGirll

Keep these in mind

– Shoot the clowns’ arms first. They’re worth the most points.
– If you’re running low on ammo, don’t shoot anything but the toxic pies so you can protect yourself. When the ammunition crates come along, shoot them and you’ll get 20 more bullets.
– Get all the time you can! When ever you see a clock power-up, shoot it, even if you have lots of time left. You can never have enough time.
– Don’t waste your ammo on the clowns that move very fast. It’s likely that those clowns will shoot a pie at you, so just pay attention to them and shoot the pie when they throw it at you.
– Don’t waste your bullets on the umbrellas. You may just miss and use up ammunition. If you’re desperate for points, then you can shoot them, but at risk of loosing ammo. – orxy

Carnival of Terror mini guide

This game is really quite easy, but it takes some time to get much neopoints from it. Firstly I’d make the game full screen, this will help greatly as it slows it down slightly so you have more time to shoot the pies that fly towards you. You get 10 lives to start with anyway and the med-boxes fall down often anyway so you shouldn’t need to worry about health. As long as you don’t shoot all over the screen your ammo will remain near full, ammo crates seem to fall down all the time so it isn’t much of a problem for me. If you are running a bit low, stick to shooting just the arms and heads of the clowns which give you the most points, if you are very low on ammo don’t shoot anything except the pies and wait till you get an ammo crate or two. Mainly concentrate on hitting arms, head and umbrellas. I find that every time I lose, it is because of running out of time, the clocks are quite rare, shoot them as soon as you see them, time goes quickly. Time should really be your only problem, as long as you have that you can get lots of points. – Dr. Dingy

Carnival of Terror mini guide

We’ll this game is like any old James Bond game except Clown chias. What your trying to do is shoot them down. There are different places to hit them. For example, if you hit their umbrellas, you won’t get any points. Sometimes they will go really fast in the back so just put your target into a trap by just waiting there and BAM! All clown Chia require two hits – depending on where you shoot them. Your life meter will go down after you get hit by a pie which you’d be pretty lucky to doge them. That’s why some times a first aid kit will come down. Shoot it and you regain your power. Also at the same time you can run out of ammo. This is a drag because you’re trying to stop the clowns . Your ammunition and ammo doesn’t come as often as health. – joshman32

Aim for the nose

Always aim for the nose. Either while it is turned or face front. This will give you the clock or lives. You have to find out which one is which as they change for each game. I get so many clocks in one game from doing this and I have tested and tested this theory for many months. It works! – Bloodaries2

Shooting the arms for extra points

When playing, you can actually destroy both of the robot’s arms. You need to have reasonable aim to hit them. I like to do this for more points in the game. – Jakestlm88

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