Caption Competition Guide by Shoyru_Lover

From quirky quirks to straight out funny imagery, the caption competition will test your wits and humor. With a picture each week, you, the neopian will be able to create a short story, quote, speech that turns the image into a hilariously funny story. Why not give it a go? It is simple, yet entertaining at the same time. Did I mention the free factor?

Basically, to win this game, make sure that you submit your lines as soon as the newest competition opens as many high vote counts go towards the earlier entries. Although there is no set time limit to when a new competition arises, just keep your wits about you and check the news page every other day or so and if you are lucky, you’ll be one of the first to submit in a quirky line!

I’ve noticed over the recent competition that many winners are short funny lines. Be original and make up a line that is surprising and takes the reader totally off guard. That will ensure a winner for sure! If you didn’t win, there were either funnier ones or you didn’t get yours in on time.

That basically wraps it all up. A good humor, laughter and a fun loving nature will take you a long way 🙂 Cheerio!

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