Bumble Beams Guide by lightlysaltedamy

Bumble Beams is a fairly easy game once you get the hang of it, and it is a decent daily game for neopoints. The point of the game is to get all of the pet pets into the containers without dropping them on the floor. There are landings in each level, that tilt to one side or the other when you press the arrow buttons. The pet pet on the landing that you are controlling will roll as you tilt the platform. On some of the platforms there are stars, which you can collect for extra points. My recommendation is that (if possible) you collect all of the stars with your first pet pet so as not to get distracted by them later in the game.


When waiting for a good bucket to put your pet pet in, do not hold them on the platform closest to the floor since after a couple seconds of being held you lose control of them. If it is on the platform closest to the floor, then it will fall, and you’ll lose the pet pet. But if its higher up then you can make it fall onto the lower platform.


Pale blue = normal, tilts left when you press the left button, tilts right when you tilt the right button.
Red = (my favorite) will only tilt one way, so you can hold down one of the arrow buttons and the petpet will freeze there until you release it into a barrel. However, sometimes they switch sides, and you do have to figure out which side it tilts to.
Bright blue = almost normal, but it tilts much more dramatically than the normal blue ones do.
Silver = normal
Silver with a red dot = if you stay on it too long it will explode.
Spring = will fly off with your petpet.

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