Black Pawkeet Slots Guide by Katie

Update to this guide

You can no longer get treasure chests on one line with max bet of 50 neopoints. It needs to be full max, 9 lines, bet 50. The dubloons are in there but they are very
few. Also you win more often when you have higher bet, so a single line really isn’t all that useful.

Ok, this game requires no brain power, and is perfect to do while youre studying, or doing something else. Heres what you do:

1. Take out a reasonable amount of money. I like 5k. Make sure you can afford to lose this money, remember this is a game of chance!

2. Load the game. Duh.
3. Click 1 for the lines and 50 for the bet. Heres why: You need to bet the max bet (50) to win dubloons. However, since the mini-game works whenever you have three treasure chests on the board, you only need one line to play the game. Also important is that the birds work the same way, so no matter if you have 9 lines or 1, you get the same amount.
4. Set your computer someplace safe, where you can see it.
5. Hit play, then place something on the space bar – careful though, you dont want to damage your computer. This will keep repeating the bet until you get a mini-game from the treasure chests.
6. Play the mini-game and get going again.

This wont win you a fortune, but you will make some neopoints from it without doing much. It does require some attention – it stops whenever you get a mini-game. A mini-game is when you get three treasure chests on the screen. It will take you to another screen with maps on, and allow you to choose a number – Ive gotten from 3-11. When you click on the maps you usually get money, from 10-100. You apparently can also get dubloons, but I have never won one, and let me tell you, I built my neohome out of transparishield from the money I won from this game. They keep saying they increase the chance to win dubloons, but like I said. – Rodney

Heres an example of a game:

After ten minutes: 3 mini games (12 maps) – up by 1500
After twenty: 1 mini game (9 maps) (4 mini games total, 21 maps) up 15500 (total)
After thirty: No more mini games (4 total, 21 maps) up by 155000 (total)

As you can see – you can earn a decent amount of neopoints with very little effort. Now- you can also lose neopoints, but I find that if you play long enough you will win them back.

Hope you like my guide to Black Pawkeet Slots, and good luck playing!

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