Biscuit Brigade: Hagan’s Last Stand Hard Mode Guide by Raging_Demon88

Edited by Jonny Blackler

I’ve been noticing a lot of people have been having a lot of trouble with this game on hard mode, and I can see why. It’s not very noob-friendly, but once you get the basics done, I guarantee you will get 1000 NP per play, on hard mode. My highest score using my method is 6800, which is not the highest, but it will get you the 1000. However, you can end the game once you hit 3k if all you care about is NP. OK, so lets begin.

Stage 1

Build an Arrow Tower about halfway between the cookies and the toy chest. Upgrade the range twice, and watch the little blue critters fall.

Stage 2

Don’t build anything else, your arrow tower should be sufficient to handle stage 2. HOWEVER!!! IMPORTANT NOTE: When the blue things come running past you, YOU HAVE TO MANUALLY TARGET THEM BECAUSE THE ARROW TOWER MISSES WHEN THE ENEMY IS RIGHT NEXT TO IT. So when they’re coming past your arrow tower, click on the enemy furthest away, and it will target that one instead of missing 3x on the passing ones.

Now, AS SOON AS YOU KILL ALL OF THEM, demolish your arrow tower and build a Rocket Tower to the right of where your arrow tower used to be. Upgrade the range twice. As soon as that’s done, build a slime tower to the left of the toy chest and about 3 moves down. Upgrade its range once.

Stage 3

Watch as the masses of slowed creeps get hit by rockets and explode.

Stage 4

Once you have enough parts, build a wind tower RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CREEP’S PATH TO THE COOKIES! This way, it’ll blow them back instead of to the side. That way, they’ll be slowed the most.

Stage 5 – 9

Build another Rocket Tower next to your current one when you have the chance.

Stage 10

Once you get 3,000 points, this is when you know the dreaded SCORCHIO NINJAS are coming. These are the fastest creeps in the game, so you’ll need 2 net catchers to be able to kill them. By this time, you should have enough parts to build a total of 5 rocket towers (All next to each other), 1 wind tower, 1 slime tower, and 2 net towers. This way, the Ninjas will be almost non-moving as your 5 rocket towers pound the crap out of them.

5 rocket towers, 2 nets, 1 wind, and 1 slime are all you need to beat the game.

If you want more points, delay the buildings as long as you can so you get more parts bonus. Also, when you’re down to 1 enemy left on the last stage, demolish all your towers except for one and get more parts bonus.

If you still have all cookies left, your score should be around 6200-6800 depending on your parts bonus. – Raging_Demon88

Good luck!

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