Biscuit Brigade: Hagan’s Last Stand Guide by Nicko_1609

Okay now, the first thing you need to know is the objective of the game. In Biscuit Brigade, you must save your cookies (which are on a plate in your base) from Skarl and his toy soldiers.

They shouldn’t be taken lightly… particularly when on the hardest difficulty facing the last five waves. At the bottom left hand corner of the game is your base, which is pathetically weak and can be infiltrated easily. The bases defenses must be strong though; because it houses your cookies.

Now, in this section I will tell you how many enemies you will face in each wave… and how many hits (of the rocket, the best weapon) it will take to kill each one.

  • Wave 1: 5 enemies. All 1 hit each.
  • Wave 2: 10 enemies. All 1 hit each.
  • Wave 3: 12 enemies. 8 need 1 hit, 4 need 2 hits.
  • Wave 4: 12 enemies. 4 need 1 hit. 8 need 2 hits.
  • Wave 5: 12 enemies. 4 need 1 hit. 8 need 2 hits.
  • Wave 6: 12 enemies. All 2 hits each.
  • Wave 7: 12 enemies. All 2 hits each.
  • Wave 8: 12 enemies. 4 need 1 hit. 8 need 2 hits.
  • Wave 9: 12 enemies. 8 need 2 hits. 4 need 3 hits.
  • Wave 10: 12 enemies. 8 need 2 hits. 4 need 3 hits.
  • Wave 11: 12 enemies. All 2 hits each.
  • Wave 12: 12 enemies. 8 need 2 hits. 4 need 3 hits.
  • Wave 13: 14 enemies. 8 need 2 hits. 6 need 3 hits.
  • Wave 14: 14 enemies. 6 need 2 hits. 8 need 3 hits.
  • Wave 15: 14 enemies. All need 3 hits.
  • Wave 16: 14 enemies. 4 need 4 hits. 10 need 3 hits.
  • Wave 17: 16 enemies. 4 need 4 hits. 12 need 3 hits.
  • Wave 18: 16 enemies. 8 need 4 hits. 8 need 3 hits.
  • Wave 19: 12 enemies. All need 3 hits, but minions spawn from the toy boxes.
  • Wave 20: 14 enemies. 8 need 4 hits. 1 needs 5 hits. 5 need 3 hits, but minions also spawn from toy boxes.

Now, one thing that must be remembered is that the enemies increase in speed, normally when there’s less enemies or weaker enemies in the wave.

Here is my strategy to get points, my highest is close to 7,000, and I’m working on ways to improve it.

You go on the hard difficulty. To find the best place to defend from, you must go three squares above the north-west corner of your base, and build a tower. Make the tower a weapon tower, and upgrade it into a rocket. Do not bother with decoys or blocks, because they are basically useless.

Now, after the first wave you can afford to place another tower. place it two squares south-west of the first tower. Turn this tower into a sludge tower.

Once you have enough parts, continue this pattern, cutting a diagonal path toward Skarl. His soldiers with follow the path you have opened up, which means all of your towers will be used. – Nicko_1609

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