Biscuit Brigade: Hagan’s Last Stand Guide by blackcat20000

Your ‘base’ in this tower defence game is in the bottom right corner. The cookies. Don’t let the enemy (who comes from the top left) get through the castle walls and into your little cookie stash. Booooo. Bad Skarl. You can accomplish this goal by setting up towers (yay!), either offensive or delaying. To start though, the delaying ones won’t do much, as you might have guessed, they don’t do much damage… mostly delaying. I would choose easy to start with if your a real beginner. Not because you really are one, but you need to experiment. It’s MY experiment place, and it helps. No loss, no gain, right? Eh… Or was it no pan no gain… heh. Now those were the basics… Now for my technique!

That is, AFTER I tell you more about the basics!

Tower – This is where all your offensive/delaying stuff will happen. (2 parts)
Blocks – I don’t use these personally. They don’t delay all that much, and get destroyed fast. They ARE cheap though. (1 part)
Fake cookies – Eh… I experimented with these… They have some effect, although I never really tried to upgrade them. I stick with putting the towers in the path between the 2 bases instead. (2 parts)

The towers:

Basic attack tower – This thing fires a bubble. Doesn’t really do much damage. (3 parts)
Basic delay tower – This throws… a bag at the enemy… Slows very little, lasts a short amount of time, and does a tiny bit of damage. (3 parts)
Tier 2 attack towers – Here you can choose between the cannon or the slingshot. The cannon can hit through multiple enemies, and the slingshot is faster with a bit more damage. (4 parts)
Tier 2 delay towers – Here you can choose between sludge thrower and oil slick. The sludge hits one, but slows down everyone touching it. So does the oil slick, I believe. (4 parts)
Tier 3 attack slingshot towers – Here you can choose between the potion slinger (damage over time) or the crossbow. The crossbow does quite a bit of damage, but at only 1 target. (5 parts)
Tier 3 attack cannon towers – You can either choose gravel (spreading attack that hits multiple enemies) or the rocket launcher (explodes at the end of flight, and hits multiple enemies in between). (5 parts)
Tier 3 delay sludge towers – You can choose the net thrower (drastically slows a single enemy) or the windmill (slows multiple enemies, pushes them back, but they still gain ground). (5 parts)
Tier 3 delay oil towers – Here one can choose between the paint thrower (confuses the enemy) or the water ballon thrower (reduces enemy stats). (5 parts)

Ok. I found the technique that gets ME furthest (ME meaning I didn’t make it on the high score top 10 or so), is using rocket launchers and the net throwers on the hardest difficulty. Firstly, I start with the best arrow tower, let that work for a while, then make a rocket one, near it (this is all in the bottom right corner, near-ish to the base). Save up a bit more and build another rocket one. The good thing about this game is you can demolish all you want without losing your parts. So, demolish the arrow tower and build another rocket one. Make sure all 3 of them are fully upgraded (height) and in a sort of an arrow formation from your base to the enemies:


Continue building another 2 rocket launchers and continue the arrow formation:


Then at the very top, save up and build a net thrower, the one that slows down a single enemy. You should last a few rounds, so save up and buy another 2 rocket launchers, continuing the arrow formation.

Now. Now the reason for the net. To make a net-sludge tower (tier 3 delay and a tier 2 delay). Save up and buy 2 sludge towers, same formation. What happens is:

A net is thrown on 1 enemy. The sludge hits that one enemy. Everyone touching the sludge is slowed down. The rockets explode and splash everyone in that small area. No one survives. Awesomeness.

Now just do as you wish… I continued and built 2 more rockets, then built 1 net thrower and a sludge thrower. Then the game finished and I reached my current high score of about 5,500 points. Go for it, and ENJOY! – blackcat20000

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