Beginner’s Guide to Deckball by Vic

PPT Guide Editorialist

So you’ve just started playing deckball or you are so frustrated with the Mirgle that you want to throw your computer out the window. With this guide it will show you the best possible strategies of how to get the ball in the goal. The trick is, to take each “ball up” (When you first start) differently.

Slow paced ball up- if the ball is bouncing at an extremely slow pace don’t move from your goals. Stay in defense of your goals and wait till the Mirgle is confused and is not near the ball and push the ball up towards the left hand corner of the ship if you hit the angle exactly the ball will go in. Try and keep Mirgle out of the picture by running into him.

Medium paced ball up-These are the best ones to get the ball in first shot. Run in quickly and wait till the ball is almost three quarters of the way up and hit the ball sideways. It should almost always go in if you hit it at the right time.

Fast paced ball up-Stay at a distance here because most likely Mirgle will get the ball first and hit straight into your goal. Defend your goal and like in slow paced wait till he gets confused to hit the ball. Make sure the ball has slowed down before hitting it.

Big Tip: Don’t hit the ball aimlessly, chances are the ball will sail straight into your goal if you don’t take it carefully. If you hit the ball just before the top left hand corner of the ship you will most likely get it in. If you do it near your goals the ball will go into yours so be careful!

So the trick of the game is: Take each ball differently and work your strategies and most of all PRACTICE!

Any questions? Please contact me – Vic

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