Altador Cup V Team Rosters

16 teams make up this year’s Altador Cup competition including the above featured Team Moltara. Take a good long look folks because soon you will be choosing one team that you think best represents you and your interests.

Team Tyrannia

Team Shenkuu

Team Roo Island

Team Mystery Island

Team Moltara

Team Meridell

Team Maraqua

Team Lost Desert

Team Kreludor

Team Krawk Island

Team Kiko Lake

Team Haunted Woods

Team Faerieland

Team Darigan Citadel

Team Brightvale

Team Altador

Going For What You Want by Kayla

I have been on Neopets for five years and have had many accounts hacked into and things like that. Neopets has frozen my accounts and little things like that. It is tough to get through it all, really you just have to brush it off your shoulders and make a new account. Make it the best there is if you really want to show how much you love and are mad at Neopets, if that makes any sense. For the people out there with goals on Neopets, fulfill them. Don’t take like five years to do it. Go on every day and earn over 10,000 neopoints a day! It is really easy if you set your mind to it. Neopets is fun, and it should be REALLY fun, but when the newbies or NOOBS come in, it is still fun because they are just trying to figure out WHAT to do.

Wheel of Monotony Cheats

Thanks to temporarypro and Daniel, who with their genius investigation, solved the Wheel of Montony mystery once and for all!

Knowing When the Wheel Will Stop

Open two browser windows. In the first one, go to your normal Wheel of Monotony URL and do your usual spin. Then to find out how long it’s going to take until it stops, in the other window go to

On that page it will say something like “server=Our records show that the wheel hasn’t finished spinning!&timeleft=6270000”

It is saying the time left it has to spin is 6270,000. The way this works is basically there is 6270 seconds left (get rid of the last 3 0’s). It doesn’t work on the 60 seconds a minute or 60 minutes an hour it works on 100’s. So all you have to do is get your number, in this case 6270 and divide it by 60 which gives me 104.5. Therefore my wheel will approximately finish spinning in 1 hour 44 minutes and 50 seconds.