Grundo Snow Throw Guide by Shoyru_Lover

This game is undoubtedly one of the most fun games neopets have ever created! Watching your guys pelt the snowballs at the opposition and watching the snowball make contact is so satisfying it nearly makes you laugh! You start out with three grundos you are given to control while the opposition unfairly get more powerful and recruit more friends every time you defeat them. The main aim of this game is to defeat your opposition (duh!)

It is obvious that you cannot control all three grundos at the same time, so to avoid them getting pelted at the start of the game, immediately move two of them to the top right or the bottom left of the screen so that they are immediately taken out of danger or opposition fire. With your remaining free grundo, pelt away!

Goldfish Tips

Win with style and strategy
If you want to get into the 200’s or 300’s or even maybe the 400’s in this game, you’ll need strategy. Look at how fast each goldfish is going. the one that is going faster will fall off the table faster. so save that one first. you might want to save the ones that give 4 points and above. the rest are not worth having on the table. But if a four pointer goldfish and a 3 pointer goldfish are going to fall off at the same time, go for the four point one. this way, you will get a high score.

Jolly Jugglers Solutions by lupes_are_kewl3

Welcome to my Jolly Jugglers solutions. It took me hours to put it all together, so please if you don’t like it don’t be so mean about it. You can neomail me HERE with your comments. I hope this guide helps you get to the last stage. The objective of this guide is to help you keep all of your 3 lives the lives you will get during the game, so that in the end you will be able to beat the Boss and maybe get a trophy! This guide will explain you step by step what you need to do in order to keep your lives. This is a game of patience and strategies. Hopefully this guide will help you =). If you have any questions or anything you’d like me to add feel free to neomail me.

Imperial Exam Guide by sailorstars

The game Imperial Exam is quite simple. You play a blue Kacheek who decides whether or not each one of the upcoming neopets gets to become a scholar or not. The problem is is that there are a lot of neopets that are posing to be scholars, but really can not spell a word. It’s your job to allow the right neopets in, and keep the bad ones out.

Now I know what you’re thinking. “UGH SPELLING!” or “UGH EDUCATIONAL!” but it’s really not that hard. It’s merely a press of a button and knowing how to spell the word. The up and down keys are what you use throughout the entire game. Up means correct, down means false. Me personally I’m a horrible speller, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t win all 5 rounds of the game just because you’re a bad speller.

How to Make (and Save) a Lot of Neopoints by anniebunny923


I just read a guide (not on PinkPT) where it said, “Don’t feed your neopets, they won’t die anyway”. Yeah, you do save neopoints, but your neopets won’t like you much anymore. If you don’t want to use thousands of neopoints on food for your neopets, why not send them to the Neolodge? Where is it? In the Neopian Central. You don’t have to book them on the most expensive Neo-hotel, you can send them to cockroach towers, and order all the extras; It will cost you 300 nps if you book 4 pets!!! That’s a good deal=)


In many guides I have seen that they say “Play Meerca chase II, it will get you 1000 Nps in one day”. Not if your not good in it! Usually I play Jolly Jugglers, Hannah and the Ice Caves, Hannah and the Pirate Caves and Whack-A-Kass (all 3 times a day), because I’m good in those games (at least I think so!) Anyway, to make neopoints from games YOU have to play the games YOU are good in.