Meerca Chase II Guide by Anonymous

Meerca Chase II is, in my opinion, one of the most lucrative games on Neopets. I always play on Hard in the Classic Mode and average 400-450np a game, but it is very easy to get higher scores- with practice! The Maze and Freestyle modes were added to spice things up and to replace the secret levels that the original Meerca Chase enjoyed. Although they are fun and help you work on essential skills, they are too difficult for serious earning.

When you have chosen your mode and difficulty, you can choose your background colour. I personally stick with the grey, both because it was in the original and because it’s easiest on the eyes. Different colours make different Neggs stand out; experiment to see which is best for you.

Attack of the Gummy Dice Cheats

Change the dice

Delightful: Type this during the game to change the current dice into a morph dice. Once per game.
Explode: Type this during the game to change the current gummy dice into bombs. Once per game.
Gummydice: Type this during the game to change the current gummy dice to a different random color. Once per game.

Neopets at Hamleys

On the 24th and 25th of May 2003, Adam, Donna, a handful of Neopets artists and some of the Neopets crew made their way into London to a dinky little toy store called Hamleys for the promotional launch of the latest Neopets merchandise! Also there, fans were able to have images of Neopets drawn for them, each image unique, and signed by the artists themselves! Of course, no event is complete without its advertisements, so [Click Here for the advertisement about Hamleys] to check it out ~_^

From the general gist of things, the queue at Hamleys was enormous and waits for 3-4 hours at a time were not uncommon. However everyone reported back saying that Adam, Donna and the rest of the Neopets crew were really looking after them, listening to their suggestions, showering them with gifts and just having a good time! Below is the best report sent in and reported by Katy (tinysaiyan) about her day at the Neopets promotional launch and on the subsequent pages are another 5 reports from various other users! Most of them have images of the artist’s drawings and various other scans and they have also been included in this article. A big thank you to all who have contributed, especially Katy (tinysaiyan), Blobbi_kid, ab2002ab, Clotho, 21 and aardvark for making their way down to London and reporting back to PPT.

A+ Guide to Designing a NeoHome By angelic_lil_cutie303

When designing a neohome, you must know what you’re doing. You need big money to make a good, decent NeoHome. What I suggest you do is buy a lot on Mystery Island. The cheapest is Neopia *yawn* but its boooooring. Lost Desert-for me, outta the question. Too expensive for my likes, and though exotic, too HOT!!!! Terror Mountain-Not for me either, too many people can’t get a decent heating system. Haunted Woods-I guess, but when you consider that they have their own hotel Cockroach Towers, and its well… downright scary, best give it a miss. Tyrannia-not bad, just of you decide to go live there, be sure you can stand the stench of dung, and, well, I couldn’t. Faerieland-Discouragingly expensive, but it is a really good place to live, and really the only bad thing about it is the cost of living there. Again, I suggest Mystery Island. Its a good place, not really costly, and a good idea for any pet cause the temperature is not an issue, neither is the cost, or the furnishings or buildings of neighbors. I suggest you start by building a ring on the outside of the lot, a total of 14 squares. Use wood for 11 of the rooms, stone for a security room, and chocolate for the two rooms of the kitchen. Put your pet’s rooms in appropriate places, like I have a Uni, Peophin and Kacheek, My uni is going to have a tower to fly from, and my kacheek gets a garden, and I don’t know about my peophin yet. Well anyway, starting in the top left corner, and spiraling downward, number off the rooms 1 thru 20. Then put down those numbers in order straight down the left side of the floor plan and write what furnishings to add to your neohome rooms beside the numbers, each representing a room with the same number. But first write in the boxes on your floor plan, what each room will be. The total cost will be 5000 np for the wood, and about 600 for stone, 700 or so for chocolate, making the total cost of the NeoHome and rooms roughly 10,000 np. Then when you take into consideration the upgrades, there’s another 10,000 np, plus say 10,000 or so np into furniture and gardening supplies, thats 30,000 np on making your NeoHome. So don’t make a NeoHome unless you have 30,000 np TO SPARE. – angelic_lil_cutie303