Attack of the Slorgs Guide by cauterize93

Attack of the Slorgs is a game based in Meridell. You play a Yurble farmer who is trying to protect his crops from the invading Slorgs. You must destroy the Slorgs by firing from your Slorgerizer. To play, you fire a color from your Slorgerizer at Slorgs of the same color. This causes them to die. You must keep the Slorgs away from your crops for a certain amount of time to move to the next level.

Basics: The fundamental of the game is precision aiming. If you cant aim at the right color Slorg, you wont go far. The laser in the game is designed to help you. In later levels, the laser will die out and you have to try to aim as well as you can. To prevent this, you can use the cheat chargex4 to recharge your laser. This cheat can be used as many times as you want and is very helpful.

Slorgs: Every few levels a new color of Slorg will appear. This complicates the game and makes it a bit more difficult. You must adapt to this by thinking ahead. If there is a line of Slorgs, pick a spot in the line and fire away. This can be used for the future when you need a place to fire at. Never use the gray Slorgs as they are useless. Just fire them off.

Powerups: Everyone loves these. There are several helpful projectiles that will help you in the game. The Slorg Block can be helpful if you need to bide some time and find a right color to shoot. If you do not need it, just simply fire it away from any Slorgs. Super Slorgerizer is a very nice little weapon that will destroy several Slorgs around where you fire it. Think of it as a grenade of some sort. Slorg Destruct is exactly what its name states. It destroys all Slorgs on the field. Very useful. Never use Multislorg as it will make more Slorgs to deal with.

Revenge of the Slorgs: I actually dont mind this but you might. It makes the controls to aim reversed. So pressing left will aim right and pressing right will aim left. Confusing? Perhaps. If you have already gotten pretty far in the game you should at least try to deal with this. It is pretty easy to get used to.

Tips: There is a little crazy frog (Quiggle?) that pops up every now and then. When you shoot it, you get 25 points. Try to shoot it multiple times to get as many points as possible. This is key if you want to get the avatar. To gain an extra life, type in Marrow. This is also very helpful when you are shooting for the avatar.

This game pays out very well and is just plain fun. Practice makes perfect and you should be able to get 1000 np per game in no time. Get 1000 points or over and you will get a snazzy avatar to use on the Neoboards also.

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