Attack of the Marblemen Guide by Shoyru_Lover

“Barry the baby shoyru was playing marbles last night – and forgot to put them away! Now they are very, very angry. Help Barry guide his marbles back to his toy box before they escape and wreak havoc upon neopia!”

You’ve heard of the game Pac Man right? Well this game is very similar. Instead of moving your main character eating all the dots however, you now act as a baby shoyru, guiding all the marbles into the toy box before they are bombed by the mischievous bombs, or before you are called to have dinner (timer of course!)

The game works on a grid-like system, so to make the rouge marbles move to where you want them to, you will have to set up obstacles in its path, done with a simple click of the mouse. The direction of the obstacle is determined by where you click in the grid box. Some grids will allow you to create an obstacle which will move the marble to the right, or will direct the marble up.

Each level is essentially the same, so to get those high scores, you must practice and memorize the level and where to click, or you must be extremely lucky the first time you play and totally blitz the field.

To make the game easier, Neopets has created passwords for certain levels which can be continued from if you lose a game. The passwords can be found in the game solutions portion of this site.

In the later levels of this game, more marbles start appearing and this is where the test of multitasking comes in. You will have to start herding two, three, even four marbles in the box, with more devious bombs springing up everywhere.

One of the main problems with this game is that there is no straight forward method. The best advice I can give is to never ever look for the direct method, because it will never be there. Use the outside walls to your advantage. If you cannot bounce the marble down because the down block isn’t available, bounce the marble up and watch it rebound off the north wall, and straight into your box! You lose a bit of time bonus no doubt, but you successfully pass the level!

Always, try to keep your marble within short distance of the box. You will be able to see a more clear method of getting the marble in if you do. As usual, you will most likely find that the easiest method of getting your marble in will be rebounding off walls.

To keep your marble in short distance of the box, don’t attempt to circle the box but keep the marble moving left and right in front of the box. This means that your placed obstacles will not require perfect placement, as the most unlikely obstacle will move your marble back from the direction it came from.

If a box is directly blocking your path to the opening of the collection box, then you will have to find another method of getting the marble in. Usually, if you look down one space from the obstacle box, you will see that the box immediately below it gives you the option of directing your marble into the opening. All you have to do is rebound off the other walls to get there.

Once you get up to the stage where there is more than one marble, try to get one marble in the collection box first, and then use the other marble in a similar method to get the marble in the collection box. If you’ve already discovered a way, don’t waste your time finding another. Just save time and use your already established path.

Other than that, there’s not much more to say. Remember, rebounding is your friend and you’ll be all set! – Shoyru_Lover

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