You’ve thought about it, and you have finally decided that you want another neopet to keep your neopet happy. Another neopet can bring joy into your life. You can also make a long life friend, if you treat it right. Hopefully, this list will help you! Remember, when choosing a pet, choose one that will compliment your personality! It would make no sense to choose a pet that you would dislike. Well, hopefully, there’s no pets that you dislike because they’re all soooo kawaii! 🙂
- Acara
- Aisha
- Blumaroo
- Bori
- Bruce
- Buzz
- Chia
- Chomby
- Cybunny
- Draik
- Elephante
- Eyrie
- Flotsam
- Gelert
- Grarrl
- Grundo
- Hissi
- Ixi
- Jetsam
- JubJub
- Kacheek
- Kau
- Kiko
- Koi
- Korbat
- Kougra
- Krawk
- Kyrii
- Lenny
- Lupe
- Meerca
- Moehog
- Mynci
- Peophin
- Poogle
- Pteri
- Quiggle
- Ruki
- Scorchio
- Shoyru
- Skeith
- Techo
- Tonu
- Tuskaninny
- Uni
- Usul
- Wocky
- Yurble
- Zafara
- Nimmo