A Brush With Fate Guide by Shoyru_Lover

From Oral B comes this game, where you play a Kacheek with one sole mission. To keep the teeth clean! ^_^

Keeping the teeth clean is no menial task. You must dodge plague, you must dodge the evil looking enemies out to make your task hard, and you must also find time to scrub in between. Simple enough you wonder? The choice is up to you. What is so great about this game is the very easy point returns!

On the game itself are tips which are pre-written:

“The dirty teeth are where the creepy crawlies come from, but the creepy crawlies are what hurt you. The trick is to know when to fight back the various creepy crawlies, and when to clean the teeth. Also, more plaque and food particles came out from the dirtiest teeth, so it’s usually best to clean those first.

Make sure you clean the teeth all the way until you hear the squeak sound, because if you leave the screen with dirty teeth, they’ll be much worse when you return! If the Oral-B shows up after you clean a tooth, pick it up quick for a health bonus.

Sometimes there will be creepy crawly hanging out in a gap between teeth. Use your flare bristles to get those and clean the way for Grundo’s permanent teeth.”

With all that said, you face six opponents. Grouped into two, these guys give you different point returns every time you defeat them. The regularity of them appearing increases with each level, as do the amount of teeth that need cleaning. Be careful not to get swamped!

The point options range from one point, three points and five points! One pointers are slimy looking buggers, three pointers look like planets and five pointers are the candy cherries and worms.

When cleaning the teeth, just stand there and keep pressing the direction arrow for quick cleaning. That will usually take care of the problem pronto. However in later levels, dirty teeth will take a while to clean, and thus, you must be careful of all the ‘creepy crawlies’ that will regularly appear. What I would recommend here is moving alongside the dirty tooth, and only swipe clean it when you turn and come back the direction you came from. I.E., if the tooth is on the far right, then you would stand next to the tooth, and move up and down, but swipe the brush against the tooth as you change direction from up to down or down to up (make sure you turn right than change direction to swipe the tooth if the tooth is on the right side. If it is on left, than vice-versa). This will not only slowly clean the tooth, but also get rid of any bacteria after you.

This game is fairly simple, but quite addictive! Have fun and most importantly, good luck! – Shoyru_Lover

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