Destruct-O-Match II Guide by hoshino_shira_megami

Welcome to my guide to Destruct-o-Match II! This guide should help you get better scores for more neopoints, and the avatar if youre trying to score 2500+. As a starter tip, at the start screen if you click on the bottom to the second bone, the all too familiar orange shirted programmer will pop up. 🙂

The object of this game is simple enough; destroy all of or as many of the boulders as you can on the screen. You get a 250 point bonus for clearing the screen completely! If you leave 1 boulder you get a 200 point bonus, 2 boulders gives you 150, 3 is 100, and 4 gives 50 points extra. So you see, its important to try and clear all the boulders you can! This requires some strategies, so hopefully my guide will give you tips that help you clear the board easier.

Now, Ill explain the types of boulders:

Colored boulders: These are the basic, single color blocks. When two or more of these are connected, you double click them to destroy them.

Morph boulders: These boulders have the standard colors, but you have fifteen seconds to get rid of them before they become a black boulder with crossbones on them, also known as an Indestructible boulder. The only way to destroy them after they change is to use the fire boulder, which Ill explain in a minute. Its best to try to destroy these boulders first, so you wont have to worry about them.

Question Mark boulder: This boulder, when activated, causes another row of boulders to fall from the top. Nothing to cheer about, eh? Well, if you destroy these as early as possible, its not so bad. If you wait until later, it could cause you to get a much lower score for the round, as itll be harder to clear the board.

Fire boulder: This boulder is black, with a flame on it, and you get one every time you get to a new level. When clicked on, it destroys the boulders closest to it. Id recommend saving this until the very end, when you run out of matches, for no matter how many boulders you destroy with it, it only gives you one point. Also, if you only have one or two boulders left, it can help you clear the board and get a bonus!

Overkill boulder: This boulder has a circle in the middle, with arrows pointing out from it. If you match it with a boulder of the same color, it will destroy all boulders of the same color on the screen! This is a very useful boulder, but heres a helpful tip when using it. Say you get a new board and your overkill boulder is blue. Once you match up with another blue boulder, go ahead and destroy all the blue matches on the screen, making sure your overkill boulder is still matched with a blue boulder so you can use it.

The reason for this, is that when you use the overkill boulder, you only get points for the match with the overkill boulder. So, if you only match it with one blue boulder and destroy it, you get 2 points and lose the points of all the other blue boulders on the screen. This can sometimes cause the end of a game, because you dont achieve enough points to proceed, so try to get rid of all the matches you can before using youre overkill!

Multiplier boulder: This is also a very useful and important boulder. It appears on the screen with 3x on it, which means you get three times the points for destroying this boulder with its matching color! Though it may seem like a good idea to devote your whole level to getting as many boulders connected to this boulder as possible, remember that you get a generous sum of points for clearing the board! Its near impossible to clear if you only focus on your multiplier. Only in later rounds would I recommend doing this, when its almost impossible to clear the board anyway.

Thats all of the boulders! Now, Ill give you some tips that help me clear the board and score more points. First off, and most importantly, dont just destroy the boulders randomly hoping they fall into place! Its nearly impossible to clear the board this way, and youll only end up with a jumbled mess that you can do nothing with. This game is a puzzle game, and it requires a little more thought.

Secondly, always start from the top destroying boulders, unless youre going for the Morph boulder or the Question mark. If you go for the bottom, its quite likely youll mess up the connections at the top and end up with towers of single boulders you can do nothing with. Move to the bottom when you need to, to line up the boulders at the top and get rid of them.

Third, when youve destroyed half or most of the boulders, its time to start strategizing on how youre going to clear the board completely. What I do is simple, try to completely destroy one color at a time. Say you have green, orange, and blue boulders left, plus your fire boulder if you followed my earlier advice. Try to destroy, say, all of the orange boulders first, and if you effectively do this, it leaves you with only green and blue. Then you try to destroy all of the green, and youll be left with only blue. If you miss one or two, dont worry, because youll still have your fire boulder to destroy the left over.

Fourth, if youre trying for the avatar, or trying to score a lot of neopoints, Id recommend clearing the first level and getting the 250 bonus. If you dont get close to 400 points on the first level, Id suggest starting over, because the first level is the easiest.

There are only two secrets in this game I know of, aside from the orange shirt guy I mentioned at the top. If you type destroyboulders during a level, it will completely destroy all boulders of one color, kind of like the Overkill boulder. The color it destroys is random though. The other secret is if you type boohooiwanttheoldgameback a playable, scoring version of the original Destruct-O-Match will pop up, though the points are extremely low.

Thats my guide to Destruct-O-Match II! Neomail me at hoshino_shira_megami if you want to tell me it sucks, or it helped you, or if you have any tips or things youd like to add! Ill certainly give you credit. – hoshino_shira_megami

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