Destruct-O-Match II Guide by Klassika

Destruct-O-Match II is a slightly improved version of Destruct-O-Match (finally you can turn off that annoying sound!). There are now 6 new types of boulders for you to destroy. If you’re lucky, you will not get some of these boulders in the game. =)

To play this game, you will need to double-click on 2 or more boulders that are the same color and directly above or next to each other. If there are boulders at the bottom of the screen that youwould like to destroy, just quickly destroy the ones above it first. THIS IS IMPORTANT, since you may never get the connections that you had back.

*If you would like to see pictures of the new boulders, check the Instructions’ in the game.

Regular Boulders: With these boulders, simply play the game normally. ^-^

Morph/Indestructable Boulder: This is the first boulder that you should work your way to. Keep in mind that it needs to be near a boulder of similar color. You need to be quick when you destroy the boulders above it, since you only have 10 seconds to do so. If you fail to destroy it in time, the boulder will ‘morph’ into an Indestructable Boulder. This type of boulder can be destroyed by the Fire Boulder.

Fill Boulder: This will drop down a row of boulders from the top. When you should destroy this boulder is entirely up to you. If you want to destroy it right away, you will have less boulders to destroy, so you could end up with less points. If you destroy it later on in the game, there will be more boulders to destroy. I think that you should destroy it in the middle of the game. =) It has to be near a boulder of similar color.

Multiplier Boulder: This also is a boulder that can be destroyed at any time in the game. It needs to be near many boulders of similar color. The reason why I say ‘many boulders’ is because it will multiply the points you get by destroying all of those boulders by 3. The more boulders, the more points you get!

Overkill Boulder: This boulder destroys all other boulders with its own color. The thing is, you only earn points for this boulder and the boulders that are destroyed along with it. It needs to be near a boulder of similar color. The Overkill Boulder should be destroyed at a particular point in the game. When you know that other boulders in the game with its same color cannot be destroyed anymore since you’ve ran out of moves for any boulder with that color, that will be when you destroy it.

Fire Boulder: The very last irregular boulder you should destroy is this one! It will get rid of some of the remnants.

I hope that this helps. Good luck. =) – Klassika

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