Deckball Guide by dolphinling

I have to disagree with everything said so far (except the dubloon list, that’s correct). I find that going out and scoring myself is the best way to get lots of dubloons. I almost always go out right away, and half the time I score on the first hit. The only time I stay in my goal is when I accidentally get an anchor and can’t move fast. Call me impatient, but it works.

Check my score And yes, I do lose eventually, but what I do is I don’t send my score until I have 10 points or more – that way I get the 5 dubloon.

Also, a tip: if anyone’s computer is slow, they can just type in the url and it will go to the game, then they can resize the window to make it smaller and they can do better in timed and points! 🙂 It works really well! It also helps in deckswabber to get the full 10 point time reward in the first 5 levels (just change the url to swabber instead of ball) – dolphinling

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