What’s the Deal With Scams by Suzii

Scams, very popular. But really what’s the point of scamming someone? I mean what to you really get out of it? Np, other people’s items, and a neopet?

I’ve been scammed before on the neoboards. Someone said said “I need someone the neosit my neopets” I was younger then and pretty easily fooled. I neomailed the person and they said give me your password and I’ll give you mine. So I did, and their password didn’t work. When I tried to log onto my account, the password was changed. Shockingly – my account was suspended for asking someone their password.

So I guess I won. But that was pretty pointless.

Scams to look out for:

-Neopoint generators: NOPE! not gonna work. Isn’t it suspicious how they go “just put in your password…”

-Neositting: Dumbest thing you can fall for. So, you go on vacation and you have no internet connection. Seriously, don’t be worried- your neopet ISN’T going to die or run away. So don’t listen if someone tells you that. If your really worried you can check it into one of those neolodges (in Neopia Central).

-Neopian adventures: Ok, so you take one of those Neopian adventures at the “Neopian Adventure Generator”. You complete it and it says “Congratulations! You won all the paintbrushes and 1,000,000 np. Just send me your password, and I’ll make sure that you get these items”. SCAM! Don’t believe it. No one would honestly give away ALL of the paintbrushes to a complete strangers.

-Fake neopet sites: It’s amazing how desperate people get. They make their own Neopian site. Don’t trust any Neopets site unless the link is http://www.neopets.com/loginpage.phtml or www.neopets.com

The moral is: Most strangers don’t want to give you free items, they want your account. – Suzii

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