Cheetos Chase Guide by shereena2004

Level 1:

First off take it slow until you get used to it. As soon as you start jump onto the block on the left and then on to get the cheeto. Remember: do not hit or even touch the snakes or the mice or you will die and lose a life. So be careful! After you get the first cheeto stay n the upper levels of the land and jump over the mice to get to the cheetos. Don’t worry about the bag on the bottom until you come to a dead end on the top. Then, jump down and go back and get the one on the bottom. Now, stay on the bottom level. When you get to where you couldn’t go any further on the top, go under it and jump from block to block to get the bags of cheetos. MAKE SURE YOU GET ALL THE CHEETO STUFF!!! After you get those two bags stay on the upper levels once again. When you see the balloon get the tube of cheetos and jump down and get the bag. Then jump up and get the balloon. Getting all the cheetos in that level will give you a pefect bonus of 500 np.

Level 2:

Just cruise through this level. Think of it like a practice for the level three. It doesn’t matter how many bags you get in this level, you just have to get all the way through it in order to move on to the next level.

Level 3:

When you begin level three just keep walking right and jump over the snake and get the hidden bag over there. (You can walk right over 1 or 2 spaces without blocks and not fall down.) Then go back to your left where you started and get the cheeto you saw first. Then just STAY ON THE UPPER LEVELS and get ALL the cheetos up there. Remember to always go up higher if you can and look around for blocks. Just don’t fall back down to the lower levels. If you have stayed on the upper levels the whole time, when you get to the balloon you will realize that you still dont have one cheeto bag. You then jump down and fall left and walk left down those steps. Get the bag and then go right back up those steps and jump and get the balloon. You will get another perfect bonus! Now you should have 1000+ np. There is no need to go on to the next levels because you already have 1000, and the game won’t give you any more than that.

It might be hard in the beginning but jut keep practicing and you will get 1000 np a game!! GO FOR IT! Good luck! – shereena2004

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