The Castle of Eliv Thade Tips

When the words don’t work out in the anagram solver

Sometimes, the internet anagram service could not rearrange the word for you. If this ever happen, you can try deleting the letters ‘ing’, ‘s’, ‘es’, ‘ed’ or ‘ied’ from the word. Don’t forget to add up the letters you’ve deleted when typing the answer. – nightshade_nova

Always play on hard

When playing The Castle of Eliv Thade, you should always choose the hard level for the simple reason that it pays more neopoints. Always move three spaces because the longer the anagram, the more neopoints. You’re probably thinking, “How am I supposed to solve all the hard ones?” Well before starting the game, open a new window and search for an anagram solver. When Thade gives you an anagram, you can solve it using this. Also if you type ‘rehaxtint’ while playing you get a free hint. – treacle1990

Points to consider

When playing this game it is important to have a good dictionary on hand so you can look something up if you need to. You should also know a site that can solve anagrams. You should have a good knowledge of large words if you plan on taking big steps. If you don’t know a word and you already used a clue just take a guess, you may get it right. Try to avoid the cracked floor but if you have no choice you could move on it but there is a chance you will fall through and take the shortcuts when you can. – TCJ5355

Five words give higher scores

Another game that the anagram program will help highly. The longer the word is (i.e., 7 letter words) it is easier. The game tends to go towards more evil or negative words. Words are found for 5,6,7 or on the very last one 8 letter words. You can finish the game by only going for the highest amount of lettered words and avoiding the 50% drop spots. I’ve always fell through the spots that are guaranteed to drop only 50% of the time, making my average 100%. One thing to note is that the amount of np you can earn from this game is dependant on how many words you solve, and not the harder ones. So the more 5 letter words you solve, the higher your np total will be. I have yet to find the max np win limit. – absolutleewicked

Keep going and going and going

To attain high scores, you must pass through all but the last room, and then go back and forth, accumulating points. It took me hours to achieve the score I desired. Once I was satisfied with the point count, I exited through the last room and sent my score. Good luck! – springtimevoodoo

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