Bilge Dice Tips

Bilge Dice screen shot

Some Handy Pointers by Soliosan

  1. Most importantly, on the first roll, always try to get the 1 and the 4 necessary to win.
  2. On the first roll if you were able to get at least one of the rolls needed (1 or 4), also keep over a 6 if you have one. For example, if you have on first roll 1 3, 3, 6, 6, 6 you might be tempted to take all of the 6’s and the 1. Don’t do that or you won’t have much chance of getting the other 4 needed and it won’t matter how many 6’s you have. Take maybe at most 2 6’s and the 1. Re-roll, and hopefully you get the 4 you need.

When to Bank and When to Keep

  1. If on the first roll, you get both the 1 and 4, bank them both, and bank any 6s you have. If you have at least one 5, bank that as well.
    1. Keep an eye on your opponents. MAKE SURE they have their required banks, otherwise ignore them.
    2. Judge whether you should bank or re-roll on a 4 or 5, depending on your opponents.
  2. If on the first you get only ONE of the required banks, bank the one you have. Then IF and ONLY IF you have a 6, bank that. Otherwise keep the rest, you need to make the probability to get the other number high. You don’t want to have a good hand and then lose because you don’t have the required.
    1. If you have at least 1 six on your re-roll, obviously bank that. If you have MORE than 1, still only bank one. You still need that other number!!
    2. Got a horrible roll? Just pray your opponents don’t get what they need because they may also end with a bad number.
  3. If you get NONE of the required banks, bank your highest number (obviously). If you encounter multiple high numbers, remember to only bank ONE. Keeping your probability high to get that 1 or 4 is KEY to being able to win. Otherwise, what’s the point of getting 4 six’s?

Watch Your Opponents by Scottnak

Always keep an eye on your opponents total score. The very last dice you roll could prove to be the deciding roll. Sometimes you may just want to go for the tie.

  • If you have a 1 on your very last roll, roll it again, you have nothing to lose.
  • If you have a 6 on your very last roll, duh, keep it.
  • If you have a 4 or 5, look at your opponents and do some math. How much do you need to TIE one of your opponents? Here are some scenarios:
    • Have you already beaten them? Bank.
    • IF you bank a 4 or 5, have you tied them? IF SO, you should MORE THAN LIKELY bank. The probability of getting something higher is NOT in your favor. (However, if you have a winning streak going, and you want that to continue, I’d re-roll. Ties reset your win-counter).
    • Will you lose? Then re-roll.
  • If you have a 2 or 3, do the same thing as above, but the real important thing to look out for is part a). You may have already one, yet seeing a “2” you have the urge to re-roll. If you end up with a 1, you’d lose. Don’t risk that.
  • BIGGEST REMINDER: Although I said it before, I need to stress this again. Even though one of your opponents may have a 21, 22, 23 or 24, check that they have their required 1 and 4 banked. IF NOT, assume they will NOT get that required number.

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