Bilge Dice Guide by Courtnee H

Bilge Dice is a game of both strategy and luck. It is a great “bank-filler” if you’re short on cash. First, here is a glossary of hints, terms and tips that I may use in this article, or you may find helpful when you play Bilge Dice:

ANTE: The “ante” is the amount of neopoints you contribute to the winning cash. You always put in of what you, Monty, Grimtooth or Deadeyes will win.

ANTE-UP: When your ante goes up when you win a certain amount of times.

When you have won: Your ante is:
0 times 50 NP
10 times 100 NP
30 time 200 NP
50 times 500 NP
150 times 1000 NP

TIP: I suggest getting your ante up to 500 NP before you start using my strategy!

SECURING DIE: This is when you click on “Keep” to save the die. You must secure a 1 and a 4, plus the highest score you can get from 4 other die.

ROLLING: You start with 6 die. In order to win, you must “secure” a 1 die and a 4 die that you have rolled. You must also have the highest score (up to 24) out of all the players (Monty, Deadeyes, Grimtooth and you).

First roll:
If you have rolled 1 AND 4, and 5’s/6’s – Secure ONE 1, ONE 4, and all 6’s/5’s you have (6’s first!)
If you have rolled 1 OR 4, and 5’s/6’s – Secure ONE 1/4, and one or two 6’s. (6’s first! Don’t worry about any 5’s yet. )
If you have not rolled EITHER 1 or 4, but you have rolled 5’s/6’s – Secure ONLY ONE five or six (the highest you have)
If you have rolled only 2’s, 3’s, and 5’s (Unlikely!) – Secure ONLY ONE die, the highest you have.

TIP: Secure the least you can in every roll until you have secured both the 1 and 4! This will allow for more “probability” of the 1 and 4!

All other rolls: Again, look for a 1 or 4 if you don’t have them both. If you have already secured both of these, keep looking for the highest numbers possible!
TIP: Only selecting a one or two dice per roll will give you a better chance of getting a 6!

NEOPETS DESCRIPTION: “Players take turns rolling a series of dice and the one with the highest total in the end is the winner. There is one catch – players must have secured a roll of 1 and a roll of 4 before the end in order for the player’s score to count.”

Neopets allows a daily limit of 5000 NP to be won in Bilge Dice. I have thought of a way to “maximize” this 5000-a-day limit, to FAIRLY getting 6450 every day! This strategy requires patience, skill, observance and a few basic math skills (Grab a calculator right now, if you’re not great at adding and subtracting in the thousands!)

First you need to win 50 times. Do this however you wish, but you need at least a 500NP ante available. The object is to get your “NP Today” column to read 4950. How do you do this? Look at this chart:

Ante NP Won Profit
50 NP 200 NP 150 profit.
100 NP 400 NP 300 profit.
200 NP 800 NP 600 profit.
500 NP 2000 NP 1500 profit.
1000 NP 4000 NP 3000 profit.

You can play around (following my hints if you wish) until you get close to 3500NP in your “NP Today” column. Now you need to start some strategy. If you need to get your “NP Today” total to be 4950 BUT NOT ABOVE 4950, you need to find out the difference between your current total and 4950.

Here is an example:

My current “NP Today” total is 3100 NP
I want it to be 4950 NP
4950 – 3100 is 1850 NP

I need 1850 more NP to play the final 500-ante, to get the most NP possible.

I play with 200 ante. I lose. Loss = 200. I need: 2050 NP
I play with 500 ante. I win. Win = 1500. I need: 550 NP
I play with 100 ante. I lose. Loss = 100. I need: 650 NP
I play with 200 ante. I lose. Win = 600. I need: 50 NP

Now what? If I play with 50 NP I will go over my total of 4950 NP per day, and therefore will not get as much as I possibly can. Now I HAVE to lose. On Purpose. Watch:

Now, my current total is 4900. I need: 50 NP
I play with 100 ante. I lose. Loss = 100. I need 150 NP
I play with 50 ante. I win. Win = 150. I need: 0 NP
My “NP Today” column reads 4950
I play with 500 ante. I win. Win = 1500. I have: 6450 NP

And that is how you can get 1450 EXTRA neopoints every day. Good luck! – Courtnee H

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