Neopian Lands

In the world of Neopets exist many strange and exotic lands that can be explored at leisure by you. There are still many lands and locations, which have not yet been discovered, however, be wary that many new land revelations have great accompanying threats, which require the amassed efforts of every neopian to save the world.


Meridell has a big history behind it. Discovered by a small band of children, the discovery of this world shook the foundations of Neopia, in which an epic battle between Darigan and Meridell took place. The home of knights and damsels in distress, Meridell is famous for its brave deeds and epic tales of romance and adventure.

Krawk Island

Home of the little Krawk Petpets, this island was the original haven of pirates where treasure was buried and mischief ran amok. For those who love a life of excitement and adventure, this island, located south of Mystery Island, is the place to go. It is also rumored that treasures from the past are still hidden somewhere beneath the sand.

The Lost Desert

The land where Brucey B and his legions fought into lore and legend, the Lost Desert came about during the second major epic war between good and evil. If you have a great love of sand and mystery behind the mysterious pyramid formations, make sure your neopet is blessed with spells before venturing forth into the unknown sands.


The land of prehistoric dinosaurs and ancient beings, Tyrannia exists on vast amounts of dry rock and in an area many miles below the Ice Cave where secret societies of prehistoric beings also live. Gigantic in size and the home of the fierce Grarrl, the Giant Omelette has not yet run out and will feed your neopets once a day for free if you visit.


Home of the faeries and the legendary Faerie Queen herself, this land is only accessible through flying thousands of feet skywards. Located directly above Neopian Central, Faerieland is also the home for the elusive Hidden Tower, which houses some of the most powerful yet expensive items and equipment in all of Neopia.

Terror Mountain

Don’t let the name scare you. This land is covered in ice, which make it an ideal skating park! At the base of this mountain lies Happy Valley, the most sought after holiday destination during Christmas and winter seasons and celebrations. Further up the mountains are the Ice Caves, famous for the Snowager, who jealously guards a hefty amount of treasure. At the top of the mountain lies the Ski Lodge. Rumor has it that a big mystery occurred there a few years back. What it was? Nobody knows

Mystery Island

Mystery it is indeed. Home to the Cooking Pot Faerie, Jhudiah, it is not uncommon to hear the sound of phantom bongos in the distance. Mystery Island is also the home to the Trading Post, where neopians can safely trade goods and neopoints with other neopians. A popular Holiday destination, if you visit, be prepared to lay on the beach, kick back and relax!

Virtupets Space Station

The alleged original base of Dr. Sloth, this Space Station was converted into an amusement arcade after Dr. Sloth’s original plan to transform every pet into a mutant was foiled by the efforts of many neopians. It is also here, where the heroic deeds of the Space Faerie could be witnessed as she fought for the existence of Neopia. Although she won, she was exhausted after the battle with Dr. Sloth and his evil minions, and ever since, there have only been small sightings of the Space Faerie.

Haunted Woods

Often described as scary and thrilling, this spooky world is home to chilling calls and hoots. Are you in for a scare and some thrill? Then visit this world. However, be wary that the Brain Tree doesn’t catch you, for the consequences of not answering his questions are said to be great.


The Moon of Neopia, there is a plethora of different things to do here, including play with Sloth’s soda machine and buy a few Kreludian books. The Moon is the reminant of an old plot that never really took off.


After being destroyed by the Pirate Capitan many years ago, Maraqua has returned. A place rich with culture and much to do, Maraqua has recently underwent much trouble as the Capitan Scarblade supposedly has found it again.

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