Rink Runner Guide

I love penguins. I love ice and I love music, therefore I love this game! You play as a music-mad Bruce, who loves nothing more than to skate around on the ice chasing after the wild music notes. Easy? Quite easy I will admit. However if you want to gain that adorable trophy for your lookup, or you want the highest score to maximize your point gains, then I would suggest a certain strategy towards this game.

The early levels of the game are very easy. Too easy in fact. Your skating area is very large and all you have to do is catch the music notes. However, as the game progresses, you will find that water cracks start appearing all over the ice and your catching area is slowly becoming smaller and smaller. You will find that on later levels, the smaller playing field size becomes quite detrimental to catching notes, as the earlier late levels will leave you finding that you can skate only around the left half of the screen, while run-away notes will evade your catch and disappear entirely on the right side of the screen while you jump exasperatedly on the left. If you can survive these levels, then rejoice because an ice berg will slowly drift towards the right side of the screen giving you a ‘full’ playing field again.

So what can you do if your Bruce is restricted to only skating around on the left half of the screen? The only thing you can do, wait for the notes to rebound and head towards your direction. If the note however does not rebound back to you, then what you must do is attempt to catch the note when it is nearest to you, and to do this, you will have to skate as closely to the edge of the ice as possible.

One of the biggest errors I made when I first played this game is not realizing that you could skate over the water. As long as you don’t stop in the water, then you won’t sink. Therefore, only click your mouse in areas of ice. If you do happen to find that you clicked in an area of water, click again quickly in an ice patch (in the same direction) so your Bruce can skate over to the new destination instead and continue his music-catching crusade.

In every level, 30 notes will appear (plus addition sharps and flats). It is told that your aim should be to catch the notes in as little moves as possible to achieve a maximum score. I strongly advise against this and not go for ‘minimum’ moves. I would also recommend forgetting about this ‘less moves for better score’ because if you do start playing this way, you’ll find your concentration is spread out too thin and your Bruce will start falling into the water. In addition, the score difference at the end of the level in minimal (only 1 or 2 points), and this can easily be more than make up in the next level. Instead, concentrate on catching the notes by clicking on ice patches only.

After the first few levels, you’ll start noticing a considerable amount of musical sharps and flats appear. These are bad! Don’t touch them. If you leave them to their own devices, they’ll slowly become yellow, then red and then entirely disappear. The same goes for music notes if you leave them too long, they’ll gradually change into warmer colors before disappearing. Make sure you grab the red notes before considering the other notes. You should also note that a lot of the time, you’ll be trying to catch notes which are halfway across the screen. You’ll have to time your Bruce, to meet the note at exactly the point they collide. It gets easier as it goes along. It is recommended that you aim further than the music note, so that if you do make a small mistake, you have time to fix it up. Be wary that you cannot catch music notes by standing still. The only way to catch the notes is by running into them. Running into them does not always mean a dash across the screen. If you find you ran to the meeting point of a note too early, when the note comes, simply click 1mm away from your Bruce and that should do the trick!

Gaining the high score in this game is a trial of patience. To get the trophy, all you need to do is keep repeating the levels over and over again until you get your desired score (then click send score). Lastly, always try to catch 100% (30 notes) in each level. As you progress further and further, the needed number of caught notes will gradually reach 30. If you don’t start practicing from the start, you may find it a tad difficult in the later stages of the game. Good luck!

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