Shop Wizard Cheats

How to use the Shop Wizard during a faerie quest!

If you keep a separate window open with the Shop Wizard on it while you’re doing other stuff, you can still use the Shop Wizard when you get a faerie quest. Then, if you use the back button instead of “try again” on the shop wizard you can search over and over again to get the best price and still not be told that you can’t use the Shop Wizard since you’re on a faerie quest. Hope it’s as useful for other people as it’s been for me! – Deidra Kunin

Shop Wizard pricing in groups

When searching with the shop wizard to find out what to charge in your shop, I like to pull up the page where my name would be if I had the item stocked. To figure out what page your username will be use the following chart. There are only 15 search patterns.

Take the first letter your user name starts with and match it with one of the following searches:

A N 0
B O 1
C P 2
D Q 3
E R 4
F S 5
G T 6
H U 7
I V 8
J W 9
K X _
– Deidre Prout

Taking advantage of the Shop Wizard

Have you ever miss-priced an item when you were a newbie in your shop. Like you found a Magical Poogle Toy, and thought it was just a toy and sold it for 1,000 neopoints. You’re not alone. Many people out there do it too. And with the Shop Wizard, you can take advantage of that.

If you are new to restocking, you might want to start with something like a Darigan Kougra plushie. Why? 1. Because there are many Neopians who wish to collect all the special plushies. 2. It’s about 1,000 neopoints which you can easily afford. Now this guide not recommended for those with dial up. Search in the Shop Wizard, and refresh at the results page. Sooner or later, you’ll find someone either miss-priced it, or is extremely dumb. Going back to the Darigan Kougra plushie, when I restocked it, I bought it at 600 neopoints. That’s about a 400 neopoint profit if you sell low. Even more if you sell higher. Other good items to restock besides plushies are books. Everyone is forever trying to read all the books, which you can use to become rich. Try this and you’ll sure to see some quick results. – Jeff / Obivionfog

Effective use of the Shop Wizard to price according to your username

When you are selling items in your shop, you should do this to make your items the right price. Search the item you are selling on the shop wizard. Keep refreshing the page until a user name listed has the same first letter or number as your user name does (ex: a user name with the letter ‘k’ is listed, and your user name starts with a ‘k’). Once you’ve done this, look at the shop with the item selling for the lowest amount out of the list (the first shop). Remember the price of the item and visit your shop stock. You can make the price of the item you searched 1np less than the price of the other item, 5np less (what I do), 10np less (an item from a range of 100 – 999np), or 100 np less (1,000-99,999 np). It’s your shop, so it’s your choice. Doing this will help you earn for np by making a price that is not so low that you could be earning more np but selling your item just as quick, and it can help by making your price not so high that your item will not be bought. – queen_of_comedy

Using the Shop Wizard to save coin

The shop wizard will find for you the cheapest items on the stalls of Neopia. To not use his resources would be to lose a lot of savable neopoints. Be sure to use it! – Chandra Gibson

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