How to Shenkuu by yampuff

Shenkuu Warrior is not as hard as it seems, it just takes a little getting used to. Like most Most Challenging games it gives great NP so its more than worth learning to play. You can easily make 3000 NP a day off of it; since the NP ratio is 3.45. Plus, you don’t need to clear the level to get NP. If you die during a level, you get points for getting however far you got. In other words, just get into the third level, jump a few ledges and voila! You’ve made a thousand NP right there. It will take about five minutes. Another important thing to remember is that you have infinite lives. Yes, that’s right. It means you can reach level five and then die a thousand times in it before moving on to level six! No more dying and having to restart the game because of one stupid mistake. In this game you can just keep on going. At any time you can end the game and collect your NP.

The idea is simple; aim the grappling hook, shoot towards the cliffs, the princess flies up, then grab onto another cliff before she falls all the way down. The game is all about timing and aim. And endurance. The levels dont get harder, just longer.

Despite all this, the biggest thing to remember is cursor placement. I cannot stress this enough. The first instinct is to move the mouse cursor around to help you aim. Don’t do this. The mouse cursor will confuse you! Ive found its best to always place it down at the bottom, right on top of the little compass. Still not convinced? Observe the screenshot:

The compass pointer points towards the mouse cursor, to the left. However, the cursor in relation to the princess is to the right. Now, in the heat of things, you’ll most likely get confused and click the mouse right at that moment, thinking that the princess will shoot towards the mouse and get the ledge. But she wont. Shell shoot in the direction the compass is pointing towards, in other words, away from the ledge and you fall and die. Lovely. So my advice is to keep the cursor over the compass, moving it as little as possible. Keep on eye on the pointer out of the corner of your eye.

Now that that’s out of the way, here are a few tips.

  • Try to shoot as straight up as possible, since when you shoot at a slant the princess bounces around the screen erratically. Of course, you cant always do this, but try when possible.
  • You can shoot the grappling hook at any moment even while shes going upwards, so you can actually stop her from bouncing around crazily. However, while you’re speeding up its hard to get a good shot and it will usually be a short one that cuts your momentum.
  • You want the princess to be as close to the bottom of the screen as possible before shooting the grappling hook, so let her free fall as much as you dare, especially if you have a clear shot. That way she’ll fly up further. Its all timing.
  • The princess can fall down to where you cant see her anymore and still survive if the hook catches in time. If she falls before the hooks catches, you’re dead, if the hook catches and then she falls, you’re safe. Normally I aim the pointer in the moment when she slows and starts to fall and then shoot when shes far down enough. Its a matter of judging where she will be when she falls down; if she bumps into the side shell move towards the middle, if shes going straight up shell fall straight down, etc.
  • You can shoot as many times as you want so if you miss just shoot again (if you have time). If you’re falling out of control just randomly start clicking, its saved me many times before. Sometimes there will be a cliff at the top just out of your sight that shell grab on to. The grappling hook can bounce off the edge of the screen, so you can add that into your calculations.
  • The next isn’t really tip, more like something good to know: Every level has three stages so you always know how close you are to the end. First is the green leafy place, next the brownish boring one, finally the white mountain-top stage. Once you reach the white part, start concentrating and take less risks! (At least, that’s how I play it.)

And that’s it! Have fun gaming! – yampuff

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