Scorchy Slots Game Guide by Snowiekim

Ok now this is my game!! Survey has it that a lot of neopians hate this game, but I do extremely well! Luck? well maybe, timing? again maybe.. but this is my story 🙂 lol.

Have a couple of thousand on ya man, and think Winner! ok kidding about thinking its all chance lol. But what I do is this: Since your pet won’t allow you a lot of time to play this, Yes they pop up and say I’m bored!

ok ok I’ll get to it! 🙂

First hit of the button hit play again when it comes up, (unless you need to hold that is) after that hit your F5 button to refresh it (now watch the bottom of the screen for mini wins, you’ll see it than you want to hit collect winnings, After that hit the F5 to keep it going. Don’t I say don’t hit your F5 if your holding something you will lose that spin.. Ok now that that’s clear :). Water melons hit a lot! strawberries, oh heck they all can. I hit 3 jackpots in one day!! honest neopian i did… I have been playing since Feb and have hit the Jackpot 6 times count em 6 lol..

Of course there is no real strategy to this game but making sure you hold, it’s trial and sometimes error, but generally this is a fantastic np maker.. Good luck and may the Force be with you! 🙂 – Snowiekim

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