My Neopets Story by silur_starrey_nite

Somewhere in the depths of Neopia, in a realm of which none but the most secretive and authoritative know, there is a large factory. (And by the way, this is top secret information, so mind you don’t tell anyone!) In here, a machine creates tiny capsules. In these capsules are the beginnings of life, the beginnings of Neopets. When a Neopian chooses a new neopet, they choose its traits: species, colour, and gender, to name a few. A capsule will enter a new machine, which will then imprint these traits upon it. It is then teleported to the owner who “created” the pet, and its life shall begin.

My senses tingled.

I was an unborn neopet. I had no name, no gender. I could only exist here, now. There was no feeling, no emotion. Just existing.

Then suddenly, I felt. I felt as though a million different emotions, senses, and other intangible things were shooting their way into my mind. I opened my newfound eyes, gasped through a new mouth into new lungs. The world around me shimmered: a mass of cold, shiny grey flatness all around me. Above my head, in the metal ceiling, there was a large, round hole. A zap of bright colour (which I later knew was blue) appeared in the hole, then many rods of this energy shot down, surrounding me. Instinctively I recoiled, tail curling around me, head between legs, ears folded back. Suddenly, I felt a pull upwards and my whole being shattered into a million pieces.

A blue Gelert materialized out of thin air behind a person. The human turned and saw her new pet. “Blu_velvut_fur!” she cried happily, striding towards the confused-looking neopet.

I heard the human call a name. My name. My owner. She hugged me and patted my head. It felt nice, and I knew this person to be Silvur_starrey_nite. She was my mother and I must be loyal and obey her. I must gain her love and trust.

I walked on my new legs, surprised that such a new movement could be so easy to do. My owner and I stopped in front of a large box, which my owner called “home.” She opened a flap in the front and I walked in onto a soft ground. Ahead there was a soft-looking box. Silvur_starrey_nite called it a couch, and said I could go on it. I leapt onto it and sank down. How comfy!

My owner showed me the “kitchen” with a box full of stuff called food, which I could eat. I had a sausage omelette (I didn’t like the plain) so big, I had to eat it in 3 courses! Tummy full, I followed Silvur_starrey_nite to my “room.” Here there was a box with an opening flap on top with toys. In the corner was a soft bed. My owner said I could sleep on it.

From capsule to Neohome, I knew that my life would hold many events. – silur_starrey_nite

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