Snow Wars Tips

How to beat Snow Wars super-quick

This is something I figured yesterday because I was tired of making one move, waiting for the page to load, then making another. So if you have dial-up like me, pay attention to this:

This is more convenient when using Firefox or other tabbed browsers.

Right click the first ? in a row and open it in a new tab. Do this with the second, third, and so on; when you get to the LAST “?” in the row, just click on it. Wait for the other tabs to load, check if you hit or miss, and close them until you are with your original tab and click “Continue Game”. When the page loads, the whole row will be gone. Rinse, lather, repeat until one of the extra tabs says “You’ve won!!” and move onto the next opponent.

On average, you will probably beat each opponent in less than five minutes. This method cuts playtime in half. I am also quite sure it isn’t cheating, it just makes the game go faster.

How to use the strategies

Take it from me, the snow wars champion, that for the first 1 – 6 rounds use the grid tactic that appears on PPT. After that, 7 – 10, time to mimic your opponents moves. At round 10, the opponents get harder but just keep trying and you will win! – qwerty

Snow Wars strategy

This is a great strategy for Snow Wars! I have played Snow Wars a lot so I am pretty decent at it.

1. Miscellaneous fires first! Don’t get your hopes up if you think you’ve got it.

2. Look at your images showing where the opponent might hit. These are exactly the same as his. If you hit a space and you see a similar image to yours, just keep hitting areas around there and you’ll be sure to uncover it.

3. If your opponent hits a large target, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. The large targets seem easier to find, and the smaller targets are a lot harder.

Please feel free to contact me. –

Some hints and tips

Once you hit something of your adversary s that’s more than one block, leave that be and start looking for something else. One you’ve hit everything (everything on your board) start going for the other things. You know where everything is and all you need to do in the end is destroy things instead of franticly looking around for things.

You always get a prize after wining a game and they get better as you go along. If you still want to play, but you have to get off line, then don’t worry about your game because it’ll still be there the same amount of moves unless someone else changed it when you weren’t around.

If you’re looking for something that’s two blocks click on one block in a group of two if you don’t find it on that try don’t click on the other block. If you have a long strip of blocks click every other block. If you don’t find it, it’s not there. If there’s a strip with other blocks going the other way, a other strip is going start going that way after your finished the other way. If it’s just one block going the other way next to a block that is one you skip, click on the block that next top the one skipped. –

Snowball ways

When you locate a pile of snowballs, the next one is always next to it, but not diagonally! The two piles of snowballs are always the same images, one with one snowball off of the pile and another with multiple snowballs that have fallen off. The pile with one snowball that has fallen off is above the one with multiple fallen snowballs. – MD_Protector

Pointers are always good!

These are tips I have found out whilst playing Snow Wars. I’m up to level nine now, but boy when you get this high the opponents are psychic or summat! Anyways, on to the tips.

1. If you wanna be really precise, if you get the small pile of snowballs, the larger one will be below it, and the vice versa. The larger pile has snowballs spilled off the pile in each corner.

2. If all you have left is the catapult or the cannon, they’ll be quite easy to find. With the catapult you only have to click every third block and one of them should reveal part of it, then you just have to click around it. For the cannon click every second block.

3. I dunno if this really helps as much as it does for me, but sometimes I mimic his moves, e.g. he clicks A1 so I do it on my go. This has helped me win rounds seven and eight.

4. Some people say that if you find a larger object such as the ice castle to leave it and find everything else, but I usually reveal the whole thing. Why? Because it is soooo infuriating when your opponent wins even though you knew where everything was, you just hadn’t clicked it all! – Rach

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