PPT References on Neopets

Neopets, every now and then has referenced PPT on their website much to the delight of the PPTer populace. It happened a few times that we thought we should keep an archive. Without further ado, here they are.

The Pink Poogle Toy item

The item “Pink Poogle Toy” has the description “This lovely pink poogle moans about banner ads and frozen accounts when you squeeze it! :P.” This pokes fun at the popular Neopets fansite Pink Poogle Toy, which has a reputation for its users expressing their displeasure about these aspects of the game on its forums. – Wikipedia

“Detendion For PPT Forum!”

The above image was the image originally used for the NeoSchools project at Neopets. After PPT members discovered it when it wasn’t suppose to be discovered, Adam Powell edited the image to say “Detention for PPT Forum!”

“Keisbuddy and Cilian are sillyheads who don’t beleive me when I say things! :)”

Back when the Neopets Lost Desert plot of 2005 was in progress, people were complaining that Neopets were sleeping again and not working on the puzzle. Mr. Insane, programmer at Neopets HQ registered at the PPT Forum, and promptly informed us that we were missing out on vital clues and that the next portion of the plot had already been activated. Doubt as to the authenticity of the person was aroused, with Keisbuddy and Cilian leading the pack. Mr. Insane, however, confirmed his identity by modifying his user lookup.

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