Plushie Tycoon Guide by Cloudknight

I will give you like a whole walkthrough.

1st: You have to open up a Store, Factory, and Warehouse.
2nd: Hire some people. I would suggest only Journeymen and Trainees.
3rd: Go to Your Factory> Start New Job. Pick a Species.
4th: Go to the Purchase Raw Goods link and buy what you need for that species. Usually you only need the Accessories that’s special. All others is used for every other species.
5th: (Do step 3) Then there should be a button to start your job.

I recommend about 30 staff at first with 3 managers. There should be at least one manager for 10 workers. The Working hours for Plushie Tycoon is 9 AM to 5PM NST.

If the job is done and its says for the status in the Warehouse: Loading, that means you gotta wait a while for the plushies to be boxed and sent to the Warehouse. It takes about 3 hours with 60 staff.

Now for your shop. First thing you should do is Upgrade. If you have like 30,000 NP, do the best level for all the Upgrades. You shouldn’t worry about Expanding unless they say to.

Now for the most important part: Advertising. If you advertise too highly, you will be left with mostly nothing. I upgraded high on everything and now I’m almost broke so don’t do that. Upgrade high on the low ads like Flyers, Gifts, Candy, and Clothing. The Promotion and Neopian Times upgrade low.

Some Extra Tips: Once you get rich and all, hire more Trainees or Graduates. Dropouts and Graduates will usually slack off so if your gonna hire them, hire some managers along, too.

Order in 100’s. If you order in 500’s or more you will have to take long and pay the workers a lot. The only time you should order in bulk would be if your not going to be online for a period of time.

Well I hope you learned something. Bye! – Cloudknight

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