Neggsweeper Guide by evening_star89

One of the easiest games in Neopian history had been completely passed over. Many people have heard of this game, but don’t know how good it is for their bank account. The name? NEGGSWEEPER.

Ever heard of MineSweeper? It’s a game that’s on almost every computer. Most people know how to play it. Do you know how? If yes, great. Go play NeggSweeper. It’s the EXACT SAME THING, just press Ctrl while you click for flags (to let the game know it’s a bomb). If no, keep reading, and I’ll explain.

There is a game board (I suggest you play easy) with a bunch of squares on it. Under some of the squares there are blank spaces. Those are good, well, better than bombs. When you uncover a blank space, it automatically uncovers all the other blank spaces near it. Blank spaces are the same things as having a 0 on it. I’ll explain the numbers in a second.

Under some of the squares are bombs. The game normally tells you how many bombs you have to find. YOU DON’T WANT TO UNCOVER THE BOMBS. If you click a square that has a bomb under it, you lose! So bombs (or bad neggs) are bad.

The rest of the squares have numbers. 1, 2, 3, and 4 (I’ve never seen any 5’s or above). The numbers show how many bombs are touching that square. So if you click a square and it becomes a 1, that means 1 bomb is touching that square. By touching, I mean it is next to it (left, right, above, or below) or diagonal to it. So lets say that you click a square and it becomes a 2. (@’s are representing squares that you haven’t uncovered yet.)
@ @ @
2 @ @
@ @ @
That 2 is touching 5 squares: one above, one below, one to the right, and two diagonal to it. Two of those are bombs, but we don’t know which ones. So try clicking a square that’s not touching it.
@ @ @
2 @ @
@ @ 3
Let’s say we clicked that corner and it became a 3. That 3 is only touching 3 squares: one above, one on the left, and one diagonal. 3 of those 3 squares are bombs. So, duh, all of them are bombs. Hit ctrl while clicking those 3 squares. (~ will represent bombs.)
@ @ @
2 ~ ~
@ ~ 3
Now, remember that that 2 is touching 2 bombs. You see the two bombs it’s touching? The one on the right and the bottom diagonal. Those are the two bombs it’s touching. It’s only touching 2 bombs, no more. So the other one’s it’s touching aren’t bombs. Lets click them.
@ @ @ 1 @ @ 1 2 @ 1 2 2
2 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~
2 ~ 3 2 ~ 3 2 ~ 3 2 ~ 3
Great! You uncovered all the squares, so you win. The actual games have more squares though, so they’re harder.

The one thing you should really know is corners. Here’s an example:
1 1 @
1 @ @
@ @ @
Where’s the bomb? That 1 in the corner is only touching one uncovered square. It is touching a bomb, so that one has to be the bomb.
1 1 @
1 ~ @
@ @ @

So that’s NeggSweeper. Easy, right? And you can get a LOT of neopoints from this game. Which makes you think, why don’t people play it? I don’t know. It’s really easy. There are only a couple things to watch out for:
1)The beginning of the game is hard. You have to randomly click till you hit a blank square to really help you. If you accidentally hit a bomb, start over. It may take a few tries, but you get like 1000 neopoints every game.
2)Sometimes it seems like you have to choose between two blank squares (you know one is a bomb, but there is no way to tell which). Look EVERYWHERE for hints on your game board thingy to try and find which it is. If all else fails, guess.
3)This is a thinking game, like chess, sort of. Use your brain, and look everywhere!

Hope this helps, and play NeggSweeper! ~Bungalow Becca, aka evening_star89 – evening_star89

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