Maths Nightmare Tips

Pause the game
Submitted by- heartagramma
If you click on the blue thing in the window (to move it) it pauses the game (just like tug o war), so you can look what the question is and take your time to figure it out.

A few simple tips
Submitted by Julia
1.Choose the hardest level of difficulty that you can do.
2. Do the problems as they come down. Start with the bottom.
3.Have a calculator open when you play.

Random level good
Submitted by youngking
First thing you should have is a calculator. Yes, it’s cheating but who will know? Just have a simple calculator sitting next to your computer and when a complicated problem comes up, use it. It’s way faster than using a pencil and some paper, because there is a slight chance of getting it wrong. Something that had occurred when I tried this method was that I incorrectly entered the numbers of the problem, therefore I got the question wrong and had to do it again. So here’s a tip, push the buttons on your calculator hard and make sure you press it the desired time(s), and don’t miss a number.

There is no other tips for this game, so have some fun. Pretend its an electronic math test, and in order to pass you have to get one of the highest scores in Neopia. Set some goals and go for it. This is youngking, signing off.

P.S. Don’t do anything else BUT the random level. You have a calculator, remember.

Math’s nightmare suggestions
Submitted by MistyGuildHelper
Hi, my neopets name is MistyGuildHelper and I have an obvious clue to Math’s Nightmare game! First you need to get the game up and then minimize . (don’t start playing yet) After that, almost every computer comes with a calculator right? If you don’t have one sorry 🙁

After you get your calculator running you have to enlarge the Math’s Nightmare game screen (trust me this will totally help) If your new go ahead and read the instructions. Then click the “play game” button. My suggestion to you is to click the random one. (its much easier) Now open up your calculator and put it on the right hand side of the game screen when the sheep start falling click the one you want to do and type the problem into the calculator. When it gives you the answer you have to click the same sheep you want and then click the bottom left hand side solution box type in the answer and TA-DA! Oh, ya and if you can solve in your head, do, its way better Keep doing that till you have all the sheep. Beware the higher levels you have to go faster.

Hidden Tips
Submitted by Celebi125
-Right before a new line of sheep is revealed, you can still pick the sheep before its shown
-A faster way of playing is when you finish a question, immediately after you blast the sheep, click another. This is a fast way of clearing levels
-If you are just starting, don’t, I repeat DON’T, start with addition. It is just as easy as subtraction, but with less points. So start with subtraction. When you get more advanced, don’t do Multiplication. Nothing can prepare you for the black sheep (no pun intended), they’re WAY too hard. Division is a lot easier.

Mini guide
Submitted by LilSweetie4490 /

Chose from levels 1 -5.
Higher levels reward more Neopoints.
Each Babaa carries a math problem.
Answer each question correctly to make the Babaa jump the fence.
Use the keypad to enter the solution to the current math problem.
Hit ‘Enter’ to submit your answer.
Hit ‘Backspace’ to erase the entry.
If you get touched by 3 Babaas, the game ends.
Target easiest questions first.
Use ‘Left’ and ‘Right to re-target or click on the desired Baba with the mouse to target it directly .

The game is fairly easy if you are average in math. There will be problems such as 4×4, which you probably can do. But sometimes there are problems like 103×68, and not everyone can do that in their heads. I suggest you get a calculator or paper and a pencil/pen just in case you get stuck.

+ Addition
– Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division

There are five different levels you can chose from:
1. Addition Bonusx1
2. Subtraction Bonusx2
3. Multiplication Bonusx3
4. Division Bonusx4
5. Random Bonusx5

That pretty much explains it all. You just have to answer the math problems correctly.

Division for Boosted Points!
Submitted by Lorraine
Even if you aren’t a great mathematician, you can earn good points on Math’s Nightmare as long as you choose to do the division sums. Unlike adding and subtraction, which earns you less points and involves more thinking, the division sums give you a clue to the answer. eg. 24/4=? It takes no time to say to yourself ‘4 what is are 24?’ Even when they get hard, you can make a good guess and you have time to run up the numbers until you hit on the right one. Those Baa’s come down slow enough to earn you at least 600NP’s a game! Biggest problem is staying awake while you collect those neopoints. You are counting sheep after all!

Division for Boosted Points 2!
Submitted by kadaga
Division is easy!! I’ve just started playing this and my high score is 1272. It will go up of course.

Adding and subtracting don’t give you many points, don’t pick those. Multiplication will eventually get very difficult as you’ll have to type 3- and 4-digit numbers, so you’ll have very little time. About random operations… well, I started with that but as you have to be switching between addition, division, well I got confused a couple of times (maybe I read 53*19 and tried doing 53+19, or the other way around) so I quit. It can happen to anyone, especially in high levels.

So I went for division. It turned out to give 1000 points on each try. Look, if you’re on level X (X being any number) the most frequent answers are X+1 and 2X+1. It happens about 85% of the time: if neither answer is correct go get your calculator and do it yourself. Anyway, the answer will always be between X+1 and 2X+2.

For instance, if you’re on level 17, you’ll probably be answering either 18 or 35, but if both are incorrect you may have to enter 32 or something like that.

So even if you’re not good at math, I hope you can still figure out simple things like X+1 and 2X+1. If you can you’ll probably get 3000 np each day with Maths Nightmare!!

Mini Guide
Submitted by Jacky Chow
I *always* choose division, not random, for a start. Then for level n, the answers are almost always either n+1 or 2n+1. The exceptions come when the sheep are black (even if it’s black, there’s still a possibility it’s one of those two answers). Those you have to figure out yourself. But let’s say you’re at level 13, then just remember the answers are mostly 14 or 27, so just keep guessing one or the other! That should get you through around 15 levels pretty easily! Additionally, the correct answers for level n will never exceed 2n+1.

As for the black mutant sheep, you’ll have to know how to guess the division answers correctly. This requires some thinking, but here is some tips. Using an example, say they give you 1073/37. First you figure out the first digit, you can tell it’s probably 2 or 3 (it happens to be 2). Now you ask yourself, 7 times what gives an answer with a 3 in the end? The answer is 9. So 1073/37 is equal to 29. Well, it could have been either 29 or 39, but firstly 39 sounds too big, and secondly you would have to be at level 19 before the game will give you questions that have 39 as an answer.

With that, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get 1000 NP each game without even using a calculator, even though division only carries a 4x point multiplier (^_^)

I would like to make a note that I *did* get a question with 4 as an answer on level 1 on one of those black mutant sheep, so perhaps the rule that the correct answers for level n will never exceed 2n+1 is not absolutely correct, but it seems to be that way for all higher levels.

Knowing what the answers are
Submitted by terrypoon
My Guide is very simple, but it’s useful. Tou can easily to be top 50.

1. Chose division and ready a calculator
2. Play the game, there are 2 answers only. For example 3, 5
3. Level 2. the answer will be 3+1 and 5+2
4. Level 3. the answer will be 3+2 and 5+4
5. Level 4. the answer will be 3+3 , 5+6 and so on.

Remainder: Mutant sheep had to do by calculator.

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