Hubrid’s Hero Heist Tips

Hubrid's Hero Heist screen shot

Extra point items and opponent climbing patterns by gymbystationtripos

Only after you squish an opponent does an item come up. So you squish two, two items which give you bonus points come up. In addition, the neopets that throws the bone weapon, they can only climb down. They can’t climb up so use this knowledge to your advantage!

Quick list of what you need to know by PipWithWings

Each squished creature is worth 100 points. The orb-throwing faerie cannot be killed, but you can zap her with her wand and receive points.

Bonus points are given at the end of each level, according to how much time you have left (more time = more points).

To get the maximum 1000 neopoints from each game, you must reach 50,000 points (the neopoints you receive are 1/50th of the points you accumulate).

An item appears after each creature is squished. The items are worth the following amounts:

  • Turnip – 100
  • Potato – 150
  • Juppie – 200
  • Peach – 250
  • Scabu – 300
  • Peachpa – 350
  • Chokato – 400
  • Asparagus – 500
  • Striped Negg – 800
  • Silver Negg – 1,000
  • Starberry – 1,000
  • Aishas – 1,500
  • Spyder Poison – 3,000
  • Apple – 4,000
  • Faerie Pancakes – 4,000
  • Black Negg – 5,000

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