Get Rich Guide by deoxys312

1. Play Lots of Games:

What do most Neopet owners do right when they join? Play some games until they can’t play anymore. Some recommended games are Hasee Bounce (300 np per 100 points) Meecra Chase (150 np per 100 points) Faerie Bubbles (85 np per 100 points) Defender Trainer (200 np per 100 points) and Turmac roll (100 np per 100 points). Make sure you play Meecra chase and Turmac roll on Hard so you can get the most possible points. Try to get at least a few points over your last sent score. Make sure you know your PetPets and Neopets before you play Defender Trainer on hard mode so you can get lots of points. If you calculate all the NP’s per 100 points scored on each of these games, you get 835. Send your highest scores 3 times, you get 835X3 which gives you 2505 neopoints!!! Try to see if you can play some of your other favorite games to get over 2505 neopoints!

2. Buy/Restock:

Once you get about 20,000 neopoints, you should go out and buy items lots of Neopians would want like Potions, Bottled Faeries, Codestones, Battledome magic, Scratchcards, PetPets, and even furniture. Make sure the item you are selling is one of the best deals on Shop Wizard so it has a better chance of getting sold. When you buy scratchcards, buy them from the Lost Desert stall, they sell for 500 neopoints, and you can buy one every three hours! One of the most common is Scorched Treasure Scratchcard which sells for 550-600 neopoints, so stock up on them. Once, I sold 3 Scorched Treasures for 550 and they sold under 20 minutes, 1,500 neopoints easy! Make sure your shop is the latest size so you can stock up.

Some really popular items include Codestones and Faeries. People will do ANYTHING to get their hands on these babies. Faeries range from 3000-5000 neopoints, depending in the type. Codestones Range from 4000-5000 neopoints. If you stock up on these babies, You could easily make over a 10,000 neopoint profit! Battledome items are a MUST these days, especially Sword of Domar, which goes for 1,000 neopoints – 2,000 neopoints. Snowballs are plentiful these days, so stock up on them! Nova’s easily go for 2,000-3,000 neopoint profits!

3. Time to Take it up a Notch:

Once you keep repeating steps 1 and 2, you make up a pretty nifty profit. What’s next you ask? Time to get some expensive stuff, time to bum the Trading Post. There, you can find very good deals on certain items. Some deals you should browse through are Pet Battle Dome items. Pet owners would want the best for their pet, for example, a Lupe owner would get Lupe armor and Weapons. Some weapons, such as The Ancient Lupe Wand, sells over 10,000 neopoints!!! A Jetsam Sword can sell over 10,000, and some pet specific armor can sell for over 20,000 neopoints!!!

When ever you get the chance to get these items, do so, and sell them according to the shop wizard price for more buyers.

4. Quest Items:

If you have completed Jhudora of Illusen’s quests, you know they have some nice rewards that can sell for a lot! If you don’t need these rewards, sell hem but what people need these days are quest shops!!! You know what type of items they will ask for if you have completed the whole thing, so not why stock up? Ask people who need help with their quests getting an item, and stock up. Once you have Jhudora or Illusen items, go to the shop ad boards and post saying your having a big sale on Jhudora and Illusen quest and reward items!!!

NOTE: If you have a fully stocked shop with everything people need, make sure to advertise!

Good luck. – deoxys312

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