Earning Neopoints: Rich Rewards by renderedheart

It’s been a constant struggle for me to get rich on Neopets. I haven’t much talent in games, and I usually spend my money in a second the minute I get 1,000 NP. That’s why I’ve made a stricter spending regimen, as well as a few tricks and tips. I’m willing to share them, of course.

First thought: Stop spending! You have to pay less attention to your pets and more to your Bank account. Use the bank. It is GOOD. You get interest (depending on how much you have in the bank, of course) AND there is a less chance you’ll spend it. If you have NP on hand, you will obviously spend, but no one wants to take the time to get money out of the bank, and search for that perfect weapon item that’s probably already been bought. Also, tell yourself this: “I will only spend up to ______(NP amount of your choice) today.” I think 200 NP is good enough, though everyone has different spending habits on Neopets.

Yes, I will agree with you, paying less attention to your pets is quite the challenge. I mean, the whole point of Neopets is, well, your pets! But if you want to get rich, they must be out of the question. If you cannot seem to do so, buy things for cheap. Get omelette, and if you haven’t enough NP, go to the soup kitchen. Feed your pets with food you got from the Tombola, as well as the Fruit Machine. Even if your pet is a picky eater, it surely will eat Tombola food. Try feeding your pets spooky food if they don’t mind. Skeiths are the best for this, since they will eat almost ANYTHING. Remember: Do not pamper your pet. Follow a strict regimen as you save your money.

Ok, so how do I get the money in the first place?
This isn’t as difficult as it seems. You can save your money using tips and tricks. One that is very effective is the Advent Calendar. Save your advent items and put them in your Safety Deposit box. Save them for years. The longer you save them, the more of value they are! They only come once a year! I find I get LOTS of NP, even if the item is only a day old.

Another process: Eliv Thade. We all hate anagrams, I’m sure. But here’s my method: Play the game on hard. Then find a word descrambler. I’m quite fond of Zach’s Unscrambler. Just search “Zach’s Unscramber” on Google. For every word, enter the anagram into the descrambler. You will be given one or more options. Usually it’s one, but if you find yourself confronted with too many options, use the “hint” in the Eliv Thade game. It will give you the first, second, or/and third letter/s in the word. That should help you with which word to pick. When you complete the game, you should get 1,000 NP. You are allowed 3 games a day, so that’s 3,000 NP right there! The easy way! Man, life is good.

Yet another process: The Faerie crosswords. PPT offers the crossword answers every day. If you are a fast enough typer (though you really don’t have to be), choose the hard crossword. You will have 5 minutes, which doesn’t seem like much, but believe me, it is. You’ll get 600 NP!

Good luck on your quest for more NP, and I hope this guide helps! – renderedheart

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