Having a Successful Time on Neopets by pink_skyline_babe

Now, I bet you’ve looked at this title and thought… HA! It’s one of those “Get rich quick” guides. You know, the ones that say play this game, play that game and you’ll win all these neopoints and live a happy neolife. Sorry you’re wrong, in fact this guide is much more interesting than that. I’m not going to tell you everything you already know about making NP’s (restocking, playing games, etc..) I’m going to help you enhance your experience on Neopets.

Now, most people think they know what to do every day to make their Neopian lives a fruitful one. I bet it goes something along the lines of this:

Collect Free Daily Goodies (Shrine, Omelette, Tombola, Blah, Blah)

Play as many games as possible (this can take up quite a few hours of your precious neotime)

Restock (Buy & Sell, Buy & Sell)

And so on and so forth..

However, have you as a fellow Neopian, thought of all of the other benefits from Neopets?

Some of you aren’t as good at games as others, but can draw. There we go, draw your fave neopet and send that into Neopets. Can you imagine seeing that in the Neogallery, knowing that it can be seen by the millions of Neopets members and staff?

Ok, so you can’t draw, how about writing? Do you have what it takes to write a poem, a story or even an article for the Neopian Times! You’ll get the same thrill as our Neogallery drawer will, seeing your work on your favorite website.

Now, some people just aren’t creative at all in that area, they don’t want to draw or write (or sing or dance). “So what can we do?” I hear you cry. Maybe you’re an explorer, maybe you want to be a detective or an architect or someone that makes discoveries in their life. If that’s you there is one button for you. Explore. Who knows what you might find in the hidden depths of Maraqua, or what surprises lurk in Haunted Woods.

If that doesn’t interest you, how about a deeper exploration of AVATARS! Think you can find all of them? How impressed would somebody be if they go onto your user lookup and see that you have found an amazing number of avatars?

What about all you collectors out there? There are so many things on Neopets you can collect, from stamps to cards, to pink things to piles of sludge! Set yourself a mission. Something like, I want to collect 100 pink items! Or, every stamp I can afford! It’s so much fun getting the satisfaction of putting them all into your gallery for fellow fans to see.

Lastly, we have the chit chatters. These are the people that get bored of games easily, don’t want to draw or write stories, but just want to chat. There’s a simple option for you. The Neopets Message Boards. Whether you want to talk about your favorite pet/petpet or your new avvie, you will find a board. Even if you don’t have anything specific you want to talk about, hang around the newbie board and welcome them, or go to the help board and help struggling Neopians! If you don’t like the ideas of the chaos of a message board, what about a guild? It doesn’t matter how big, or how small, how pretty or ugly. Just pick a guild with an interest of yours and just go start chatting to members.

You’ll soon find that there is a lot more to Neopets than making np’s, creating a successful guild, or winning against every Battledome challenger. You’ll soon see that Neopets is for everyone, from every walk of life and you can enjoy just as much as the next person!

Adios and have fun! – pink_skyline_babe

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