Hasee Bounce Guide by delta_one_student

I’m here to help anyone who needs it on the game Hasee Bounce. I will admit that I don’t yet have a trophy, but I’m close! I have, however, attained the rank of Grand Master. I have been playing for a long time now, and have gotten quite good at it. I hope this helps!

Chapter 1: Starting Out

So by now you might be asking “What exactly is Hasee Bounce?” Well, for the full story, you would have to read it in the Neopedia, but the game itself has two little Hasees bouncing up and down on a teeter-totter. They are trying to eat as many doughnutfruit as possible.

The basic control : LEFT and RIGHT arrow key move the Hasees back and forth, both on the tree branch, and in the air. The SPACE BAR will bounce the little petpets.

The goal: Collect as many DOUGHNUTFRUIT as possible within the time limit.

The doughnutfruit: The basic doughnutfruit you will see is yellow, but occasionally there will be different colours. There are also letters that will appear, but I’ll have more about each fruit later. The basic game: The way a simple, basic game goes is like this: The timer will start as doughnutfruit begin to fly across the screen. You will control the Hasee as they bounce up and down trying to get the doughnutfruit. You have about 60 seconds to gain as many points as possible. However, there are easy ways to get more time, and more points.

Chapter 2: The Doughnutfruit – Scoring

The following is a complete list of everything you will see across the screen, and what they do how much they are worth.

Yellow 1 point
Blue 3 points
Green 4 points
Silver 5 points
Gold 10 points
Checkered 12 points
Sponge 15 points
Flaming 18 points
Ice 20 points
Rainbow 40 points
Fish 50 points
Purple Letter 2 points, +2 seconds
Orange Letter 2 points, +2 seconds
Sludge, freezes Hasee

Note that the Purple letters can only be picked up by the Purple Hasee, and the orange letters can only be picked up by the Orange Hasee.

At the top of the page is the word “Hasee”, in black. If you spell out the entire word by collecting the fruit, you will gain 20 extra seconds.

Any doughnutfruit point value can also be doubled. If you get one doughnutfruit, then another in the same bounce, then the second one will be worth double value. They can also be tripled, and so on in the same way.

Chapter 3: Hints and Secrets

There aren’t too many secrets to this game, but the few that do exist are good to know. As you know, time is very valuable in this game. Having more time is the key to gaining a high score. Also, this game can get good neopoints, so think before you send in your score.

So you know the spelling out “Hasee” gets you +20 seconds, right. But did you know that you can get +40 seconds? That’s right. If you spell out “Hasee” in all one colour (i.e. all orange or all purple) then you will gain 40 extra seconds. Note that about half way through the game, everything will start to speed up, so be quick. The last secret really is a “cheat”. If you type out “doughnutfruit” at any point during the game, your entire time will be reset. However, you can only use this once per game, so use it wisely. I’ve discovered that it’s best to wait until you only have a few seconds left. That way, you get the most out of it. If you are a slower typer, then use it a bit sooner.

Finally, remember to PRACTICE!! It takes time to get good at this game, but before long, you will get a score in the 300’s, earning yourself 1000 nps! At first, just practice a lot. Don’t send in your score right away. It is best to wait until you have a
score of 200+ before you send it in. If you do this, you will earn 600+ nps each time! I hope this helped whoever read it! Now go and out and play a few rounds of HASEE BOUNCE! – delta_one_student

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