Trick to Getting Your Message Through by rainspike12

Ever not been able to reply or get a hold of some one because of there inbox? There are a few simple tricks you can use getting your message through.

The easiest and most dependent is the method of the battledome, when you challenge a pet and write in your challenge havent you ever thought of what other possibilities there could be for this? By making sure your pet is not hungry then challenging one of the neopian’s pet and then applying your message, like “please empty your inbox”, the receiver will then either empty their inbox, unless your threatening and they ignore you completely, moving on.

Another way is to post your message, again like “please empty your inbox”, at font 7 at the top of a guild, then invite them. If they enter, theyll obviously see the message.

If theyre in a guild this can also be used as help to your attempts to get a hold of them, simply neomail the owner and ask them to post a message on the board or notify the neopian your trying to reach. Of course you could just join the guild yourself and post it.

You can also go to their pet pages and see if they have a dream book, or a guest book. Though most dont check the entries often you could apply your message anyway, hey its worth a try, you never know maybe its some one who checks these things often.

If they do not except battledome challenges or guild invitations, then you can use the most drastic measure, posting in large font “please empty your inbox ‘username’ ” on your pet description, on your look up, and in your shop. Then go to there trades and offer a trade, go to their shop, and buy a few things, and by a small chance when they go to look you up, since theyve been seeing your username so many times, theyll see your message. This method is not promising though, and has only worked for me twice.

Most of these methods have been proven useful for me. Though there is a small chance they have cut themselves off from others ((example; blocking all neomails not from neofriends, blocking neofriend requests, blocking guild invitations, and blocking battledome challenges)) If you still can not reach them, maybe you should consider giving up XD – rainspike12

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