Tips to “Making It” on Neopets by childactress

Here is some good advice if you want to be liked, have a lot of points, and get good pets on the site.

d0nt type lyke tis. haf uv da time no 1 understands wut ur seying. and i tink dat in order 4 ppl 2 be ur frend, dey kinda neeed 2 understand wut tha hek ur typing

For all they know, “i just fed my k01 cuz i didnt feeed him in @ looong tyme” means “I just had an omelette covered in Aishas because they love dung.” You don’t have to talk like a teacher but don’t type in “l33t” and you should spell things at least close to correctly.

Play games. Don’t always expect a donation

Some people just sit by their computer all day posting on the boards “plz don8 i hav no np”. Well obviously you have no NP, you never play games! And I don’t mean one game. I have about 100k now and I made that in a month because I play GAMES. That might be hard for some of you but look at it like this: In real life, you cant play games when you want to. In Neopia playing games gets you points! The games I play every day are Destruct-o-Match, Meerca Chase, Turmac Roll, and Ultimate Bullseye.

Be kind. Don’t always get mad at people if they don’t talk to you every day and don’t always donate

I used to be friends with a girl who would get mad at me if I didn’t donate because I was working on my own points. People will donate when they can. And don’t use people for their NP because they know what your doing.

Don’t try so hard.

Loosen up, its just a game! – childactress

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