Berry Bash Guide by Rbncannon

You want to get 1,000 NP or more every time you play Berry Bash? Well, with a little reading and some practice, you’ll be making more than that in no time!

Here’s how I start my game: When the first Aisha comes, seat her. Take her order, and pick the berry. By the time she is eating, two more Aishas should be waiting. Seat them. You can take a maximum of two orders at a time, so take their orders. By the time their berries grow, the first Aisha should be done, so clean her up before you feed the others.

Basically, you just repeat this, but here’s how I avoid being overrun.

Always limit the people at the table to four or five; it doesn’t hurt to have a few guests in the waiting line, but keep the maximum of people in the waiting line to four, because the limit is six. If you already have four or five people at the table, and you have a few people fuming in the line, then take the ones that aren’t. It may seem cruel, but it’s crucial to your game that you let the fuming ones go. However, only let them go if your little meter on the bottom left is half full or more. Letting that go empty will end your game.

After feeding a few Aishas, you should be around level two by now, when the Tombola Salesmen start coming. Don’t panic, as these guys aren’t anything very hard, but their happiness meters (the hearts above their heads) will decrease a bit faster that those of the Aishas. Since you just leveled up, you will want to go ahead and put all of the people, fuming or not, at the table. Also, when you level up, you meter goes completely empty, so you want to build up points as quickly as possible. In case you didn’t know, you gather points by cleaning up after people when they finish eating. You lose them by letting people go.

Keep doing this until you have about 1,000 points if you’re going for the NP. If you’re going for the high score table, then keep on going until you get to level 3. At level 3, you will find some very impatient Kyriis. Repeat as above, but you’ll want to make the Kyriis you primary people, as they start fuming within a minute. When you get an Aisha in the line, seat her, as they are rare treats now. Again, repeat until you level up.

Congratulations, you made it this far! But, this is really hard. Now you’ve got some Kougras to handle. if you can handle these, you can handle anything. Even I couldn’t keep those for long. About two minutes into level 4, and I lost. Well, I hope my guide helped you. Thanks for reading! – Rbncannon

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