How to Save and Earn Neopoints by Jobbudz13

Fellow users, we’re now on Year 10! Prices go high, some items retire, and the shop wizard starts to annoy you with a list of pricey items. What do you do? Read on.

Shop at NPC Shops

Ironically, some items at the NPC shops cost less than the items sold at the Shop Wizard, the Auctions, or the Trading Post. I remember the Chocolate Factory Coin which costs 10 000 np at the Coin Shop. (it costs 100k np at the trading post). Another example is the Krawk which costs 45 000 np at the Tyrannian Petpet Shop. Some books at the book shop are cheaper as well.

So users, don’t forget those shops. And don’t forget to refresh. You’ll never know what’s for sale.

Be a Coupon Supplier

Got a job coupon? Sell it; don’t use it. Unless yours is a Brightvale coupon, some coupons just don’t seem worth it. Unconvinced? Well, the Pink Job Coupon costs 95,000 np. Since it can be used 7 times, you can do seven jobs. However, each job earns you 5,000 np. Multiply it by seven, and you only get 35,000 np. That means you wasted 60,000 np, which is not a good idea after all.

The next time you got a plain job coupon, you go and sell it.

Avoid Spending on Ineffective Equipment

So now you’re aiming for the Defenders of Neopia Series, and you invest on equipment to make sure your pet will win that trophy. However, be careful when buying equipment. Some costly weapons can prove to be useless.

Now some items that you need are two Scarab Rings (3,000 np each), a Leaf Shield (20,000 np), and a Lesser Healing Scroll (4,000 np) with the abilities Burrow, Restore, and Drain Life. The Scarab Rings will save you time and money and also stop you from purchasing an endless supply of snowballs.

Rich Games

Yes, games are always there to make you richer. But at what score do you must get in order to achieve 1,000 np? Well, divide 1,000 by the NP ratio, and the quotient will be your target score. For example, if the NP Ratio of Shenkuu Warrior is 4.62, then your target score will be 216 and above.

Here are Some Other Games and Their Target Scores For 1,000 Neopoints as of April 2008

  • Ultimate Bullseye II: 64+
  • Turmac Roll: 500+
  • Tyrannian Mini Golf: 370+
  • Bouncy Supreme: 920+
  • Zurroball: 80+

Don’t Forget Your Dailies

Giant Omelette and Giant Jelly give you free food, while Tombola and Fruit Machine give you items and NP (if you’re lucky) Coltzan’s Shrine gives you free stats and sometimes free dubloons. Also remember to collect your Monthly Freebies, since it gives you food and also 2,000 np.

(Snowager Tip: Steal anything around 0 – 20 minutes and 0 – 20 seconds.)

Participate Whenever You Can

There’s absolutely no shame in joining contests. Why not enter Caption Competition, Poetry Writing, Storytelling Competition, and others? They are free and fun (as long as you follow the rules). And not only you’ll get a shiny trophy, but also NP and some rare items as well. If you lose, then try again. Like I said, no shame. 🙂

Buy Low and Sell High!

Yes, I’m talking about the Stock Market. You can buy shares when prices are down, and sell them when prices are high. Just choose your stocks wisely; there are a lot to choose from.

Guess that’s all for now. Hope learned a lot from this guide! – Jobbudz13

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