Tubular Kiko Racing Tips

Hold Down Both Keys

If you hold down both the left and right arrow keys at the same time it will easily get you at least 350 points and most of the time you wont even hit a whirlpool. – Amanda D.

Hints and Tips

Tubular Kiko Racing is not that hard of a game if you concentrate. The controls are a little hard to get used to, but once you do it’s a very easy game. When you start, don’t worry about your score just try to get used to the controls. After you get used to them, when you start don’t hit the rapids that speed you up because they will speed you into a whirlpool which is obviously not good. If you tap the left and right arrow keys quickly you will speed up. If you press the up and down arrow keys you will slow down. Avoid the rocks. You can press the space bar to shoot bullets to kill the enemy Kikos. If you follow this then you will get a good score. – Alexkaz1pa

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