Volcano Run II is an upgraded, and in my opinion, much easier version of its predecessor, Volcano Run.
In Volcano Run II, you play an “inquisitive” Scorchio named Glubgar, and your job is to guide him as far through the tunnels as possible while snatching up as many precious gems as you can get your paws on.
This guide is just a run down of things I have found make it easier to play this game and score decently. I have not made the high score tables, but I’m sure that in time I will.
Controlling Glubgar
To control Glubgar, you left click on the mouse. Each click you make sends Glubgar higher into the tunnels. I have found that when trying to navigate the narrow tunnels, the quicker you click the straighter he will fly, lessening your chances of flying into the walls around you. If you click and hold in the more spacious areas, Glubgar will float higher on the screen until you let go. If you let go and don’t click again immediately, he will float towards the bottom of the screen while continuing to move forward.
Best Distance – You are given 3 tries per game to get the highest score possible. The score is figured by adding your “best distance” with your “bonus.” When the game ends, your best distance for the entire game will be used and added to your bonus, which is a running total throughout the game. So if you lose a life, your bonus will remain the same as it was on your last life, and will continue to rise. The points to NP ratio as of right this minute is 100 np to 100 points scored.
Gem Worth
Yellow gems – 10 pts each
Red gems – 20 pts each
When you get near a set of gems, you can almost certainly count on a fireball coming your way.
Use of the Z and X keys is a very important factor in this game. In Volcano Run, I would refuse to slow down Glubgar because he seemed to move too erratically when you pressed the space bar and the chances of running into the walls or objects were very high. In Volcano Run II, if you use the Z to slow Glubgar, he moves backwards slower and doesn’t seem to move as choppy. Using the X to move forward is great when you need to get under or over something in a hurry to avoid hitting it. Glubgar will move pretty smoothly, so my suggestion is that you take the time to practice using these keys in order to get comfortable with it.
Navigating, as I mentioned earlier, will take a bit of practice, especially in the narrow tunnels. I try to keep Glubgar centered on the screen as he was in the beginning of the game to make it easier to see what is coming at me. Very important factor in the narrow tunnels, since you really won’t be able to get around anything without quite a bit of notice. I avoid playing the game with Glubgar at the right side of the screen because of this.
Sometimes I will run Glubgar at the left of my screen so I have plenty of time to see fireballs coming my way, but that is usually only when I am in the more spacious areas. In time, you will find that you will be able to use the Z and X keys to maneuver Glubgar around objects that are grouped pretty closely together. I have managed to avoid some narrow scrapes at times using these keys, something I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have gotten around if I hadn’t used them.
When scoring, I restart the game if I lose my first life without having either a decent bonus or a best distance over 300. Restarting at anything earlier just ensures me that I will be able to score higher without having the early loss of life factor in to it.
This guide contains no special tricks, just merely what I have found during my plays already. I hope it helps you to score higher! If you have any additional information, I wouldn’t mind hearing from you. Enjoy the game, it’s quite easy to play when you get the hang of it. – Neoplayinny