Korbat’s Lab Potion Codes by Sebasjekind

These are all the potions and other objects I have found so far in Korbat’s Lab.

Bag with $ sign: gives you 50 points if you catch it.

Blue potion, clear glass: makes the pad REALLY slow.

Blue potion, light blue glass: Makes the pad go really fast, responding to the lightest touch on the controls, which can be a blessing or a curse.

Bright red potion, brownish glass: makes the ball red until it hits the pad again. When the ball is red, it will ‘eat’ through anything, steel and wooden boxes (no matter how many points are on the boxes), without bouncing back.

Dark potion, green glass: creates a rocket you can control with the arrow keys. When it hits one of the boxes it will take away one point, and sometimes you can get it to hit in the middle of two boxes, subtracting a point of each. It cannot go through steel though.

Dark potion, red glass with bright red outline: puts you at the beginning of the current level, you get to keep your points though.

Fuchsia potion, pale pink glass: makes the pad tiny, making it very hard to hit the ball.

Fuchsia potion: makes the pad double its size so you can hit the ball more easily.

Icy white potion: puts you at the beginning of the next level with the amount of points you would have gotten from the previous level.

Light blue potion, dark blue glass, flashing green: Gets rid of those pesky Korbats and Spyders

Red potion, bright yellow glass: Freezes your pad so you’ll lose the current ball

Red potion, yellow glass: bursts all bomb- and flame-boxes

The Skull: ends the game – it sends you to the Send Score/Try Again screen.

White potion, pink glass: extra life (you can see how many lives you have left on the clock to the right of the screen)

Yellow potion, burgundy glass, bright red outline: Switches the controls: the right arrow key makes the pad go left and vice versa. – Sebasjekind

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