Jubble Bubble Guide by StratusNova

First you will want to know that the max NP you can get from this game is 1000. So once you get over 1000 points in game you can quit unless your going for a high score. If you use my tips getting 1000 isnt a problem at all. So this game will give you an easy free 3000pts a day a tidy sum if I say so myself

Tip #1: ALWAYS keep your mouse at the top of the screen this will help you stay right under the target your trying to bubble. Often you will over or under shoot a target when the mouse is by the turtle.

Tip#2: The bubbles dont have to be right on the target if you have it two bubbles under or one bubble over youll still get it this is VERY useful when you have three items on the screen and you can make a quick capture and save the others.

Tip#3: NEVER miss a shell piece it will stun you and chances are that Jub you saved and ditched a shell for will cost you two Jubs.

Tips#4: This is my final tip more of a statement then a tip but once a target is with in one bubble of your head its gone DONT try to save it youll only cause yourself more problems.


  • Dubloon = 25
  • JubJub = 10
  • Shell = 5 – StratusNova

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