Jelly Blobs of Doom Tips

Escape the giant blobs

If you are being chased by a really large blob you should try running off the screen. This can sometimes save your butt, but don’t do it unless you need to as sometimes large blobs can come just as you reach the “outskirts” and you can get caught with no chance of escape. – th.priest

Game tips

Your enemies come in a large variety ranging from little tiny purple dots to giant blue blobs that take up most of the screen.

Only eat the ones smaller than you. As you eat you will progress in size thus allowing you to eat bigger and bigger ones. If you turn to the left or right you will be able to see how big you are. This is the span between the tail and head. If the big ones get you they will swallow you and drag you to the side of the screen where you shall be greeted by the ‘gameover! send score?’ page. To avoid this I have a saying. If in doubt. run away! If you’re unsure if you can or cannot eat it don’t attempt. It’s safer just to ignore it and go for one you are sure you can eat. This will make you last longer and after a while of eating the little guys you can finally seek your revenge against the doubtful ones! – Grace Nicholas

Patience is a virtue

You have to be patient in this game and wait for the small jelly blobs to come to you. Don’t move around much. I’m not saying don’t move at all but if you move heaps you are more likely to run into a GIANT blob. – sarah_stone

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